
7 Bad Things About Ragdolls All Future Owners Should Know

Ragdoll cats are known for their striking blue eyes, silky fur, and gentle temperament. These beautiful felines make wonderful companions, but there are some essential things prospective owners should know before bringing one home. In this article, we’ll explore the “7 Bad Things About Ragdolls All Future Owners Should Know.”

Ragdolls: A Brief Overview

Before we delve into the not-so-great aspects of Ragdoll ownership, let’s briefly touch on the positives. Ragdoll cats are large, affectionate, and known for their docile nature. Their silky semi-long fur and stunning color patterns make them a popular choice for cat lovers. However, there are certain downsides to consider.

7 Bad Things About Ragdolls All Future Owners Should Know

1. Health Concerns

Owning a Ragdoll comes with the responsibility of monitoring their health. This breed is prone to certain genetic issues, such as heart disease and kidney problems. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to catch and address these issues early.

Ragdolls are known to be susceptible to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a form of heart disease that can be inherited genetically. Regular heart health check-ups are crucial to detect any early signs of this condition. Your veterinarian may recommend dietary changes or medications to manage it.

Another common health concern in Ragdolls is kidney disease. This breed can be predisposed to certain kidney conditions, so it’s important to monitor their kidney function as they age. Kidney issues can often be managed with a special diet and early intervention, but regular check-ups are key to their well-being.

2. Grooming Demands

Ragdolls’ beautiful fur requires regular grooming to prevent matting. Neglecting their grooming needs can lead to discomfort and potential health problems for your feline friend.

Ragdolls have semi-long, silky fur that can easily become tangled and matted if not properly cared for. Matting not only causes discomfort but can also lead to skin irritations. Regular brushing helps prevent this issue and keeps your cat’s coat in top condition.

Cats are prone to hairballs, and Ragdolls, with their long fur, are no exception. When they groom themselves, they can ingest loose fur, which may lead to hairballs. Grooming your Ragdoll regularly can help reduce the likelihood of hairballs and the associated digestive issues.

3. Social Dependency

Ragdolls are known for their affectionate nature and often become deeply attached to their owners. While this can be endearing, it also means they may suffer from separation anxiety when you’re not around.

Ragdolls are often referred to as “puppy cats” because of their extreme affection. They love being with their owners and are known to follow them around the house. They enjoy cuddling and crave human interaction, making them wonderful companions.

This deep attachment can lead to separation anxiety when you leave for work or vacation. Ragdolls can become stressed or exhibit behaviors like excessive meowing or destructive tendencies. Providing them with toys, companionship, and a consistent routine can help alleviate separation anxiety.

4. Size and Space

These cats are large and can take up a significant amount of space. If you live in a small apartment, you might need to think twice about accommodating their size comfortably.

Ragdolls are one of the larger cat breeds, with males often weighing between 15 to 20 pounds or more. Their substantial size means they require more space to move around and stretch comfortably.

In a small apartment or confined living space, it can be challenging to provide enough room for your Ragdoll to roam freely. If you have limited space, make sure to create vertical opportunities for them, such as cat trees or shelves, to maximize their living environment.

5. Shedding

Their luxurious fur comes with a downside – shedding. Ragdolls shed more than your average cat, so be prepared for some extra cleaning around your home.

The semi-long fur of Ragdolls sheds throughout the year. This means you’ll find fur on your furniture, clothing, and even in your food if you’re not careful. Regular grooming and vacuuming can help manage the shedding.

If you or anyone in your household has allergies, the shedding can exacerbate these symptoms. Consider investing in an air purifier and designate specific “cat-free” zones in your home to minimize allergic reactions.

6. Price Tag

Ragdoll cats are relatively expensive, both in terms of initial purchase and ongoing care. The quality breeders that produce healthy Ragdolls come with a higher price tag.

Compared to adopting a cat from a shelter, purchasing a Ragdoll from a reputable breeder can be quite expensive. This is because breeders invest time and resources to ensure the health and quality of their cats.

Beyond the initial cost, Ragdolls require high-quality cat food, regular veterinary care, grooming supplies, and other accessories. The overall cost of ownership can be substantial, so it’s important to budget accordingly.

7. Lifespan

While Ragdolls generally have a good lifespan, it can be challenging to see them age and face potential health issues. This can be emotionally taxing for owners.

Ragdolls typically have a longer lifespan compared to some other breeds, often living 12 to 15 years or more with proper care. However, as they age, they may develop age-related health problems, which can be emotionally challenging for their owners.

The strong bond formed with your Ragdoll can make it difficult to see them age or experience health issues. It’s essential to be emotionally prepared for this aspect of pet ownership and provide the best care and comfort in their later years.


Ragdoll cats are undoubtedly charming and loving pets, but they do come with some challenges. Being aware of these “7 Bad Things About Ragdolls All Future Owners Should Know” allows you to make an informed decision and ensures a happy and healthy life for your feline companion.

Remember, every pet has its quirks and demands, and being well-prepared is the first step towards a rewarding Ragdoll ownership experience.

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