Yrkkh Written Update August 11, 2024: Abhir refuses to marry Arman when the movements are unfolding!

Highlights –

  • Rokhit suggests that Arman should prepare for the wedding rather than interrogate it.
  • Movements tries to create tension between Arman and Rokhit, but it stops Wija.
  • Rokhite insists that Arman must marry the wreck in order to move on.
  • Kajal and covers were faced on the occasion of the wedding state of Rokhit.
  • Abhir refuses to marry Arman in the conditions, which leads to happiness movements.
  • Madkhov thanks the row for the support of Arman, but Rokhit denies care.
  • Arman is confused and resolves his situation.

Yrkkh Written Update August 11, 2024

Rokhit reflects on movements and arman

In today’s episode, Rokhit is deeply thinking about movements and arman. Arman calls into question Rokhit about his condition in front of the covers. Rokhit tells Arman to be happy because he plans to marry the Abuhira. He suggests that, instead of asking questions, Arman must start preparing for the wedding.

According to Rokhit and Arman, Madkhov, Abhir, movements and Wyja notice them. The movements decide to intervene to create tension between Arman and Rokhit, but Wija stops it.

Rokhit is facing arman

Arman demands that Rokhite explain why he mentioned the condition of the wedding in Kaver. Rokhit explains that until he marries the wreck, his relationships cannot move forward. He accuses Arman to help move.

Arman protects himself, saying that he helped movements to get out of kindness. Rokhite remains firm, insisting that movements should be moved on. He emphasizes that Arman should marry the Abwar and continue his life. Movements shocked by this.

Kajal and Cavvers do not agree at the wedding

Kajal advises covers to disagree on the state of the row. Manisha supports Arman and Abwhir and calls into question Kajal’s opposition before their marriage. Manisha is concerned about Sanjai’s motifs, suspecting he wants to take over Poddar, causing family upset.

Wyja calls on the covers to allow the wedding of Arman and Abhir, but the covers refuse, claiming that choosing runs the family. Wyja warns that the covers can lead to a fall in the family. Despite this, the covers instructs you to prepare for the Teej festival, leaving the species, Manis and Kajal shocked.

Abwhir refuses to marry the arman

Abhir decides against marriage with Arman, saying that he could not get married under these circumstances. Arman explains that he tried to convince the covers, but Abhir says he would not marry the wishes of the covers and feels smoked again. Arman tries to convince her, but Abhir refuses to the state of Rokhit. The movements eavesdrops their conversation and feels happy.

Madhav thank you rohit

Madkhov expresses his gratitude to Rokhit for the support of Arman and Abhir, saying that it shows that Rokhit still cares about Arman. Rokhite denies this. Meanwhile, Arman is worried about the decision of the Abhir, knowing that the covers would never agree with their marriage. It is confused in what to do next, thinking about the furrow, movements and covers. The movements believe that Arman must stop thinking about the velvet, and Arman makes the decision.

Precap: Arman decides to leave the house for Rokhit’s happiness, despite the reluctance of Abhir to give up his family. He organizes to meet with a hug in the Radha Krishna temple, leaving her stunned by this unexpected turn.

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