‘Why is forced to a dead language in children?’: User Reddit Sparks sparks debate on the symbolism ‘in school

The reddit user’s frustration over seskrit is taught in the school made a debate with education in modern education.

In the Post named « Why is the world intend school? » « No one speaks the magical. It is fundamentally a corporate language in this point, » they wrote.

While accepting the cultural and cultural importance of the language, the author has asked questions that have compulsory status. « Hours and hours are lost in the magical language when their teachers cannot speak fluently. What is they? »

The user further criticizes how the Sanskrit is taught, call exercise in the memorization rote over real learning. They say: « I learned as old as five years, but I remember not a single signal.

React to the post is fast and divided. Some are supported arguments, while others prevents the consolidation of the provider in the course. One user pointed to a non-study school – often identify language. « Sanskrit is what is necessary to be a lot of Ind North Insus … Because they guarantee money and pools that are better and harder.

Advice others benefit from the study of the last name. « Students choose it because they can score 100/100. People will choose to learn toaster for higher merger, » they were noticed.

Others emphasizes the importance of the subjects involving daily benefits. « Well, if you are a history, religious language, scientists, and so on, you want to study, » one user has argued.

However, the original poster, however, anymore, remains not popular. « Why must continue to enforce a dead language in childhood stressful? » They write. « Continue to teach the magicals in this manner will not restore the language. »

The backlash rose, with the Redditor calls them to receive personal bears and « DMS vile » for their position. « You are all coming to me like a pack of dog that is at rabid, »

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