How to become natural and turn on sexual acts

Low sexual desire
signs // cause // Relief // More help

If you have recently experienced a dip on the sex drive, you may wonder if it is simply a short turmoil or a sign of more serious libido.

It is normal because it requires low tide and flow over time. Between relationships, sexual desire can be reduced when dealing with weakness or work stress with partners. Likewise, if you are in a new relationship, feel confident, or see it again Brigger Turn.

In addition, as female sexual desire grows older, it is also common to slow down during the surrounding and menopause. Suggestion in the study Up to 55 %of women have reduced sexual desire during menopause.

So what is the reason for low sexual desire and how can you naturally increase your sexual desire? That’s what we’re here to get to know.

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Signs of low sexual desire

There is no one -sized metric that defines healthy libido, so focus on the method. feel About the current frequency. “Everyone’s sexual desire is different, so ‘normal’ actually depends on a natural and satisfactory feeling.  » Edmund hockey Me,Wellbridge’s internal medicine and medical officer.

The common signs of the low Bible are:

  • Lack of interest in sexual activity
  • I have less sexual thoughts
  • It is difficult to have difficulties
  • During intimacy, the connection was broken emotionally and physically.

Hockey Mi said, “If these changes are bothering you or affect your relationship, it can be a sign of low sexual desire. « The key is to pay attention to whether your feelings and desires match your relationship with you. »

What is the reason for women’s sexual desire?

If you deal with ordinary sexual desire, you can contribute to a variety of physical, emotional and social factors. The following is the most common cause of women’s sexual desire.


Woman sitting in bed while going to partner | How to increase women's sexual desire

« Chronic stress is one of the biggest sexual murderers. » Holly Wood, PHD, LMFTHuman sexual doctor and discipline certification therapist headquartered in San Clemente, California.

“If you are constantly stressed on the pressure of your work, finance or other life, your body releases stress hormones. CortisolThis can interfere with the ability to relax and enjoy sexual experience. ”

Cortisol reaction is to solve immediate threats. However, chronic stress can make this reaction constant by side jobs, motivation, reproductive function, and causing physical symptoms such as tension and fatigue.

Wood said that all of this could be more difficult to fall into the mood.

Hormonal change

Hockey Me said, “Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are the main players of sexual desire. « If this hormone is balanced, sexual desire tends to be stronger. »

But when there is a hormone It is not balancedOr if the hormonal levels begin to decrease as they age, the Bible can appear. Hockey Mi added, « As the estrogen levels during the menopause and menopause can cause quality drying and discomfort during sex, while reducing testosterone levels can reduce sexual interest. »


If your relationship has recently relaxed, it can weaken your desires. Wood said, “Unpredicted conflicts, lack of communication, or trust with partners can create emotional distances into physical distances. « If you don’t feel safe or feel safe, it’s natural to reduce intimacy. »

Use of alcohol, smoking and other materials

Woman smoking outside | How to increase women's sexual desire

recent Meta -analysisIn seven studies, more than 50,000 women participated, and found that alcohol increased the possibility of sexual dysfunction in women by 74 %.

Wood said, “Drinking drinks can sometimes help people take a break, but excessive alcohol consumption can actually reduce sexual desire over time. « Alcohol is depression, and too much drink can interfere with the ability to experience the body’s awakening. »

Smoking can also interfere with sexual desire. The research has been connected Hormonal fluctuations that can cause women’s sexual dysfunction. The use of recreational drugs can lead to long -term changes in sexual function, Wood added.

Fundamental health problem

Certain chronic diseases can cause physical symptoms, which can make sex less comfortable or preferably, Wood says. If your or your partner experiences sexual dysfunction, this can also affect sexual desire. Negative past experiences and specific mental health problems (including depression, anxiety and negative body images) can also affect.

If you think there is a sexual dysfunction that can be a medical or psychological origin, you should consult a medical professional.

Seven natural methods to increase sexual desire

There are some simple measures that can be taken to recharge sexual desire, whether the reason is low in sexual desire. And beyond the bedroom, these healthy habits can help to improve overall welfare and hormonal balance.

1. Practice mindfulness to relieve stress

Women's respiration exercise on yoga mat | How to increase women's sexual desire

Check the stress level to prevent cortisol spikes that can interfere with hormonal balance. “Try to manage stress Mindful practice practice good night meditation or Deep breathing exerciseHockey Mi says.

After practicing your mindfulness in the non -sex situation, you can gradually introduce the concept at the moment of intimacy. Minimize distracting, focus on breathing, and pay attention to the moment.

2. Increase your physical activity

“Exercise improves and benefits sexual desire. Blood flow,,, Mood improvementand Stress reduction -All factors that improve sex health, ”Hakimi says. « Regular physical activity also helps to balance hormones and increase confidence in the body. »

He says that exercise routines must be mixed to promote sexual desire.

3. Eat for the sex life you want

Western diet is indirectly It is related to sexual dysfunction. Replace with the overall and balanced nutrients can help you improve your heart health, hormonal balance and energy levels.

Hockey Whole grain,,, Dry proteinand Healthy. Evidence for certain foods that increase sexual desire is limited, but the above general example includes:

“On the other hand, the diet is high Processed food Sugar can collect energy and have a negative impact on hormones. ”Hakimi adds. Especially excessive sodium is Negative It should be eaten properly with blood vessels (blood flow) health.

4. Consider a specific supplement

A woman holding a supplement

With a balanced nutritional plan, certain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can help to support healthy sexual desire. Here are some of the things that can be considered to be added to the supplement routine.

  • zinc. Zinc tribe This is associated with the dip and sexual function of testosterone levels. (This may be the reason that oysters have gained a reputation as a aphrodisiac food. Best food source Among these essential minerals, we provide almost three times the recommended daily value per serving.)*
  • Omega -3. Hockey Mi said, « Omega -3 fatty acids of fish like salmon help to reduce inflammation and improve circulation. »
  • Ashwagandha. this adaptability herb Support healthy sleep It helps the body adapts to stress.*
  • Ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo extract from the leaves of the tree has been studied. Limited study Determines the effect on sexual function.
  • ginseng. Some studies In certain sub -groups, we have found a favorable influence on the awakening and improvement of sexual function.

5. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep

If you haven’t close your eyes enough, it can affect sexual desire, but even a small change in your sleeping schedule can help. One study is a participant who has spent extra sleep 14 % more likely Participate in sexual activities the next day.

Hakimi said, “Sleep is important for healthy sexual desire. « Poor sleep can interfere with hormone production and increase stress and fatigue to lower sexual needs. »

To support healthy libido, Hakimi is aimed at sleeping 7 to 9 hours at night. Screen time, heavy meals and caffeine are too close to bed. Because they can interfere with sleep quality.

6. Kick up a habit of harmful health

Hakimi said, “If you break smoking and limit alcohol, you can promote energy and blood flow, both of which support healthy sexual desire. And of course, you will be able to carry a lot Other sound benefits To boot.

7. Strengthen your relationship

If you are searching for changes in sexual desire, it is important to maintain an open communication with your partner. Hockey Mi said, « If you do not have communication, you can misunderstand or rejection. » « Discuss how to work, not, and how to work together to rebuild intimacy. »

Enhancing emotional connections outside the bedroom can help improve sexual desire. He said that small gestures, such as holding hands and hugging or deep conversations, can make a big difference.

Do you need more help?

Women of Doctor Promise | How to increase women's sexual desire

Hakimi said, “If you tried this strategy, but still felt trapped, don’t hesitate to contact the medical service provider. « They can help you identify the root cause and adjust plans to help you feel like you again. »

*This statement was not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, treat or prevent diseases.

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