Do you burn calories when you sleep? I need to know

Sleep and burn calories! It sounds like a fake claim designed to enter the latest Quick-Fix Diet Program. But the concept of burning calories while sleeping is not a sensoryism, but science. you do Sleep and burn calories. It’s actually quite a lot. But before you have your transaction Yoga food There are a few things you need to know in the case of bed.

How much do you burn?

So, how many calories do you sleep? Like many related questions Weight loss and lineThe answer is as follows.

Each of us has a unique base metabolic rate (BMR) or rest metabolism. « The base metabolic rate is the amount of minimum energy or calories that are compatible with life. » Daneielle paperMS, RDN. « Personal BMR reflects the amount of energy used for 24 hours while relaxing physically and mentally. »

BMR includes basic body functions such as breathing and blood circulation. It is determined by factors including weight, height, body composition, age, biological gender and activity level.

Basically, BMR is based on your calorie combustion. Total energy consumptionThe remaining 40 %of the foods are used to digest food, carry out their daily activities, and start exercising. If you want to know how many calories you are on your sleep, look at the BMR.

How do you calculate how many calories you burn during your sleep?

A graph shows how to calculate the calories burned during sleep | How many calories are you sleeping?

Calculating how much sleep burns is a matter of multiplying the time you are sleeping in BMR. Gaffen explains that the most accurate method of determining BMR is through direct or indirect calorie measurement methods, which are technologies that measure the heat production or gas exchange of the target. However, calorie measurement requires expensive equipment and is usually difficult to approach.

Gaffen uses MIFFLIN-ST while working with customers. According to one, the JEOR equation studyIn general, BMR is calculated within 10 % of the measured values. The calculations of men and women are as follows.

man : 10 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) -5 × age (Y) + 5
female: 10 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) -5 × age (Y) -161

Do you want to know how many calories you are burning in 24 hours?

Gaffen said, “There is an online calculator that can be used to estimate the number of calories that the body is burned a day. « This calculator considers the current weight, gender, age, height and physical activity level. » She is recommended Weight planner In the National Institute of Health Make a myplate planWidgets of USDA’s MyPlate website.

There is such a calculator, but the nutritionist will be the best and exact resource for determining the BMR.

Can you affect the number of calories you are sleeping?

Many factors that determine BMR and the number of calories dressed in sleep cannot be controlled. You can lead to minor boosts by getting muscle mass in 1 pounds. Cut more calories Than 1 pound fat. The muscles are more metabolized than fat, but research shows that getting muscle mass will not have a big impact on calorie burns.

one studyA woman sitting before 6 weeks Resistance We have experienced a significant increase in BMR. However, despite the conflict, no one of the women had to lose weight or to see amazing changes in the body composition.

If your goal is to burn more calories during the day, the best way is to focus on what you do when you are awake.

Exercise and try regularly I am more consistently physically Overall, you Do not exercise technically. Sit on a meeting to go errands, take stairs or walk, and replace the conference call.

Do you eat before you sleep?

People eat a piece of pizza | How many calories are you sleeping?

Simply digesting food makes calories digested, so you can temporarily improve energy consumption when you eat at any time. but Late -night meal Perhaps you will not strengthen your weight loss target.

“It seems to be the most important thing in humans How much you eatContrary to the time you eat, ”Gaffen says. Apple contains the same amount of calories, whether breakfast or midnight snacks.

But time can affect the behavior of food. “It is common Snacks unconsciously « In the evening while taking a break or watching TV, » Gaffen says. “This habit can lead to weight gain by consuming more calories. Therefore, if you reach a snack in the evening, keep in mind snacks and parts. ”

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