‘You were told that my family creates good fortune’: Byju Ravens defend yourself amid the crisis

In LinkedIn Post, Byju Raleensran, the founder of Edtech Giant BYJU byju byju byju byju by company.

He claimed to receive the « conclusion » evidence of the wrongdoing and requires an immediate investigation but not released more details.

« Many employees and I received a document with a criminal exam, which was trusted in the protection of byju

« I’m sure the proof of this evidence will reveal the truth. I urge the authorities right away, »

Shortly after Post Post get labor, LinkedIn’s Accounts byht Raverendran and maybe have been accused of accused. His wife, Divya Gokulnath, joined the social media to highlight removal, logic inquiry behind it.

« Post and Account byju wasted. Investigating why. But no problem. However, the time of writing, both accounts and posts restored.

The RavelendRan statement is from the Byju’s fighting is legal storms and finance. The company is bound to send $ 1.2 billion, with the lenders, by boosting the reign amortally encouraging.

Meanwhile, US bankruptcy has ruled byju’s brother’s, and the Hedge Ravindran, and a violation of the Fiduciary function. The court rule that at least part of the money was moved in the Hedge Miami fund to get it out of debtor.

RaveendRan claim that claiming his family benefits from the support of the company’s increase, saying with the Accumulation of byju was updated.

« You were told that my family creates good luck by selling our stock. ‘Good luck’ he was selling his house and the future tournament.

In spite of the turmoil, Ravelanran was found located camp for temporary obstacles. « For me, every background is just a setting for more return.

He ended his message with the previous record and now the staff, calls them to stay « proud ». « For those who want to help with the return which will reset the reborn in the entrepreneurs of the Indian entrepreneur, I welcome you. »

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