Why Stephen King did not receive television mini -factories 90s, received two different endings

This post contains spoilers for « golden years ».

It makes sense that such a fruitful author, like Stephen King, inspired countless adaptations of his work Ever since Brian de Palma’s « Kerry » has decorated the screens of all in 1976. Since then, King has personally participated in several adaptation projects, but his relationship with the « golden years CBS » has been unique. To begin with, the « Golden Years » (aka « The Golden Years of Stephen King ») is not based on the book, but is an original ministry created and written by King in cooperation with Joseph Anderson. It would not be surprising if you didn’t hear about the show at all; He was aired between July to August 1991 and did not receive captured reviews or a stable viewer to guarantee the reputation of any kind. The initial plan was that it led to a regular series, but the CBS refused, which led to the seven-series mini-plants that ended on the rock.

It is not difficult to notice why the « golden years » failed and eventually faded into the unknown. This story made for television is not the most exciting joint Stephen King and it arrived months after the 1990s « Twin Peaks », which completely thwarted the expectations related to what is a good network television. I wonder what King referred to « Twin Peaks » as a point for the ministry The New York Times). Although this statement did not grow well, I would claim that the mini -series of the King 1991 could The regular show on the horrors of aging in the reverse mode when CBS then gave him a chance. Now it’s too late, but we can always analyze the mini -series on our own merits and try to understand the nature of its double endings.

Yes, there are two different endings to the « golden years ». The first initially aired on CBS (Cliffhager Ending), and the second version is presented in a home video version, where it all ends on a more optimistic note. How different are these two endings? Let’s find out.

The Golden Years of Stephen King lacks the signature of X-factor works by the author

« Golden Years » is the story of young people – first of all, as we wish the youth and the like to this period, filling with endless opportunities. This longing often comes through the aging of aging as a source of terror, as if this is what you need to postpone or avoid. The king solves this concept, undermining the traditional topics related to such stories, as he positions the protagonist as a person who ages in reverse. In the show Harlan Williams (Keith Sarabaika), the elderly janitor, accidentally exposed to the chemical laboratory, and the consequences of this accident are quite strange. Instead of being injured, Harlan notes that his wrinkles have now faded and that his vision is better than if -no. When these changes start noticeable to others, Harlan breaks out, fearing that it will become some purpose.

He is right: people begin to die mysteriously around him as soon as some shadow people feel the whiff of this situation. Moreover, the store is considered to be the most famous FBI branch (which is noticeable in King’s « Firestarter ») – also after it. Now Harlan is not a hero because he is the most important blue collar that is dealing with something strange and inexplicable. I do not want to spoil what it does next, but Harlan’s squads are exciting only by explosions and mostly unbridled with the sluggish step of the series, which is not weakened by depth. This will lead us to the original end, which came out on the CBS, which covers the ambiguity (as it hoped in the end, to move into a full show), but feels more justified/realistic in the context of the universal tone of the show.

In a sharp contrast, the home video ended and stitched together to cause a continuous four-hour adventure, which does not work because of the uncomfortable step between the episodes. In an attempt to give the ministries the end, the ending was converted into the one where all the free ends are neatly linked. This reeder, which bought a ham, is not necessarily at the original end, because it feels too happy, compared to the gloomy subtexts of this subject. I would go so far to say that this other end is not at all meaning.

King’s script may have demanded a more competent creative direction to make a material mark. Anyway I’m sure « golden years » Perhaps went much better as a short story.

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