‘Why is everyone tried ….’ ‘: NRI in Canada

For more decades, a better life of life that is pulling thousands of Indians to the country, as Canada, and have a better life. But silent reversal is being in progress. No residential Indian residents (Nris) inhabitants are re-re-re-relieved in a foreign dream and returned home, driven by the Personal Priority and converted to the truth of the surface. In one matter, professional, the Canadian used in Canada you are ready to go back to India after moving.

User, who moved to Canada last year with his wife and his children in the job closed, says « Great benefits in Canada. »

« I came to Canada, this came with my wife in India, » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » «  » I said.

Weighing Pros and Cs, he placed his logic:

Benefits in Canada:

  • Free health care (Although he believed that India’s insurance can match this)
  • Free Education (simply clear advantage)
  • Large and automobile house (which he found not necessary)
  • Social respect among relatives (which he did not receive value)
  • Potential wealth after 7-8 years
  • Standard 9-to-5

Benefits in India:

  • Good weather
  • Cultural roots and closeness to family
  • Ability to look after parents
  • Better food and digestion
  • Potential to create a side business
  • Supports family in raising children

« Why is everyone trying hard to fall abroad? » He asked, asked if he was letting the golden opportunity.

The post caused the response.

One user user offers a balance in life in a better life. « Most of my friends in India there is no set time … money income allows you to be flexible, and international trips are more convenient. »

Another warned about violent competitions and bad public infrastructure in India. « Squeent cities, with pollution, and lack of parks such as parks and the institution of the government is normal. »

But not everyone is sold on the west. « Nope, you haven’t lost anything … we are moving back. It is not worth the health. »

Others attacked the middle ground. One user has been settled in Canada since 2015 said, « There is no way in hell.

Another one put it clear: « If you can save the 30L in India, it is better if you save the study of $ 100l you want to give your child. »

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