Now it is considered a footnota, but the last TV loan Robin Williams was for his death for « insane », David E. Kelly, created by a single sit, which came out of September 2013 to April 2014. « Carrbe and Mindy » (from Dovber) For three decades earlier. Williams spent the bulk of his career, working in a stand or in the main roles in movies, often acquiring a large number of admissions for his speeches. It was nominated on “Oscar Its a very generous turn in « Good Hunt at Freedom ». His comedic albums also won a few Grammys, while his strenup specials threw him two Amy.
Williams would gladly joke about how he was not an ego but a simple ego.
« Crazy, » however, were noticed (at the time) as a bold step for Williams. He was the last high -profile star, which acknowledged that the TV was no longer a « movie below » but a prestigious means for itself. (For many decades, the film stars unwaveringly refused to appear on TV, seeing it under them.) « Crazy » also starred Sarah Michel Gello, as a daughter and protégé Williams, as well as James Walk, Hamish Lynclatter and Amanda Ststen. Josh Gruban (!) And Brad Garret also had repetitive roles, and, being David E. Kelly, the show attracted many big stars for guest spots, including Kelly Clarkson, Ed Asner, Karim Abdul-Jabbar, Bradi Passley and David Coperfield.
« Crazy, » however, were canceled after the first season, continuing only 22 episodes. This is amazing given the lineage of the show. However in 2016 after the death of Williams, Kelly talked with Indiewire about « crazy », And he had a very sensitive explanation of why he was canceled. It seems he felt that the show was just not very good.
David E. Kelly didn’t think the crazy were very good
The prerequisite for « crazy » was matured for potential. Williams played Simon Roberts, the head of the advertisement in Chicago, who is trying to save his relationship with his daughter Sydney (Gelar). Simon has survived several divorces and has struggled with addiction since the last time he saw Sydney, so he decided to try again with her, giving her a loud job as an assistant. Sydney’s beloved at his Andreter’s office (Linklater), and Sydney, and Simon worked with an unhappy but high -performance Castle (Volk) and his bisexual girl Lauren (Setton), an assistant to the company. (It seems that Interoffice Fartization is not literal.) The series is not only allowed to the comedy dynamics of SOAP-OPERA, but also had many opportunities to ridicule the Madison Avenue, and Williams often improvised comedic advertising campaigns for counterfeit products.
Kelly, however, confessed that the show never approached its potential. He hated his stories and felt that his writers had never found a step. It was also not used before the 30-minute television structure, cutting your teeth into many hours of dramatic. As he said indiewire:
« The show was not very good.
After a few episodes, however, Kelly believed that he would be able to intervene and improve the show. Unfortunately, CBS is not amenable to ideas … and for cynical reasons.
CBS don’t mind that crazy were bad
When Kelly suggested entering to make re -inclusion « crazy », CBS gave up it. The network considered that the show no longer needed to be good, because the main part of the audience now only partially watched TV, while they had one look at social media. As Kelly reminded:
« Robin Williams was wonderful … But the stories made me keep my nose.
Kelly was defeated, seeing that the business he had dominated for so long was so bitter about his own art. At that moment, Kelly’s career has already won 10 Amy, specifically for hit, such as « La Law », « Practice », « Picket Fencing » (which almost crossed with « X-Files » once), and « Eli Macbil ». He knew how quality television looked, and as a result, they often gave a lot of creative freedoms. When CBS told him that « crazy » were « good enough », he drove him personally and turned away from large networks.
After 22 episodes, the ratings fell, the « crazy » were canceled, and Kelly could wash his hands on the whole case. He moved to other hits, such as « great little lie » and « great sky ».
« Crazy » are currently not available to transfer any services, although it can be rented and purchased via Prime Video and AppleTV. It is not lost, but the series is a chicio. This is an opportunity to see Robin Williams’ latest television performances. And 22 half -hour episodes of Williams cannot be fired.
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