None of the Batman’s live films have yet been reflected as Batcave as as grand as in comics. In the « Dark Knight » trilogy, it is just some railings, platforms and a computer console, built into the cave system in Wayne. Movies About the Expanded universe DC, With « Batman V Superman » and further, painted cave As a modernist house with lots of glass trimming. Best Over Batman, who lives and hides in the heart of Gotem -City.
The Batman Comiix, however, not just keeps his equipment – from his batmobile to his buttopave. It is also staffed by trophies with more memorable adventures. Three biggest trophies as you could see in « Batman: The Alimed Series » – this is a giant joker, a gigan. It is difficult to miss.
Where did Batman get this wonderful statuette? He goes back to Batman in 1946, where Batman and Robin held an adventure on the Island of Dinosaur.
Now that’s wrong « Real » Island Dinosaurs Introduced in 1960, which houses actual residential and respiratory dinosaurs. No, in Batman No. 35, the eccentric showman nicknamed Murray Wilson Hart decides to build thematic park Animatronic dinosaurs. He invites Batman and Robin to operate, but a criminal named Stephen Chase steers dinosaurs to try to kill a dynamic duo. It does not work, but the island of dinosaurs is not going anywhere; Batman had to keep Animato T-Rex Park and he slipped it into Batcave.
Statue Batcave T-Rex returns to early comics Batman
What about other trophies in Batcave? Do they have a similar dynamic origin?
It is easy enough to guess where the joker card comes from archaeemis Batman. The giant penny comes from the « best in the world » # 30, published in 1947 (note that the foam is dated this year). In this comic book there was a story when Batman and Robin fought the scoundrels who crashed, who tried to steal a giant penny from a public exhibition. Instead, Batman must keep it. « Batman: The cartoon series » made a penny with a bilateral, much better villain Batman. As shown In the classic episode « almost got » them « Once two face, brought Batman to him for a deadly coin, only for a dark knight to free himself.
As for why these are three trophies that most often appear in Batcave? They are great and difficult to miss, which means they are rooted in Batcave’s Batcave’s important Batcave devices. « Batman: The cartoon series » also contributes to them; that show determined as the final betman for generation. In addition, the drawing of the comic book Batman does not usually offer much chance of drawing dinosaurs, so perhaps artists jump.
The exaggerated architecture has always been a feature of Gotem-City, whether it would be a giant toy breast in the silver age, the dark German expressionism of « Batman » Tim Burton, or art deco in the mid-20th century in « Batman: Cartoon ». The size of the Batman dinosaur in the cave, which he calls the house, is suitable in the correct form of Gotham City.
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