Webb Telescope draws first direct evidence of carbon dioxide in an exoplanet

NASA Webb Space Telescope, for the first time, seized the direct images of carbon dioxide on a planet outside our solar system.

The images have a Multilanet system of HR 8799, a 130-year-old. The discovery indicates that gasynthes are also built on earth, as well as gas giant planets, which arise in the Earth on earth for the processes, including photosynthesis and carbon cycle. The team’s webb images were analysis published Today in astrophysics magazine.

« We have shown that this strong carbon dioxide is a large part of heavy elements such as carbon, oxygen and iron in the atmosphere of these planets. »

The HR 8799 system has been about 30 million years, it is clearly in the scales of deep time, because only the cinozaurs and began half of the modern day. (4.6 billion years in our own solar system).

Since NASKENT DEVELOPMENT, HR 8799 is broadcast on a large population for Webb Space Telescope, which has the planets, infrared and near-infrared wavelength images. By analyzing these waste, scientists can discover how planets are built and other features of this distant world.

« With such research, our hope is to understand such an investigation, our own solar system, our life compared to other exoplanetary systems, so we can contextify our existence in the context, » said Balmer.

« We want to take pictures of other solar systems and see how similar or different compared to us, » he said. From there we can try to get a feeling that our solar system is really how weird or how normal is. « 

Large planets such as Jupiter, forming one of the two ways of planetary scientists as much as they know.

According to the analysis, the team may report four planets to four planets that form more webb observations, which form more webb observations and learn more Webb observations.

İllüstrasiya: <a href ="https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/news/10033/imagelist" hədəf ="_Blank"> Melissa Weiss / Astrophysics Center | Harvard & Smithsonian </a>« Width = » 1024 « Height = » 683 « Srcset = » https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2022/11/0157E2A49DB96EAE2A19DB96F5E8A19DB96EF-1024×683.jpg 1024W, https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2022/11/0157E2A49F816EA2C5E8A19DB9EF-300×200.jpg 300W, https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2022/11/0157EE2A49F816EAA2C5E8A19DB96F-768X512.jpg 768W, https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2022/11/0157E2A49F816EAA2C5E8A19DB96F-336×224.jpg 336W, https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2022/11/0157EE2A49F816EAA2C5E8A19DB96F-680×453.jpg 680W, https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2022/11/0157EE2A49F816EAA2C5E8A19DB96F-896X597.jpg 896W, https://gizmodo.com/app/uploads/2022/11/01527E2a49f819db9E2C5e8a19db96F.jpg 1296W « Size = » (Max-Width) Calc (100VW – 2Rem), (Max-Width: 1279px) Calc (100VW – 26Rem), 680px « /><figcaption id=Illustration: Melissa Weiss / Astrophysics Center | Harvard & Smithsonian

Webb telescope in 2022 obvious The unequivocal evidence of carbon dioxide in a distant explanet atmosphere called WASP-39B. However, this detection was determined indirectly, so the last success confirms the ability to spot gas in the remote star systems of the telescope.

In HR 8799, the research of huge gas planets such as observed, can help how this huge planets affect the world to the world, which affects the world, better and worse.

The team observations also made the first detection of the internal planet of the system, the first test area where the Webb passed the flying colors. Multibillion Dollar Space Observatory collects information for anthophysicals for anophysics for anthophys, and we can see the details of very weak planets to previously determine.

Webb revolutionizes astrophysical discoveries, scientists can look into deep space. The telescope is expected to be operated for at least ten years and maybe run longer, so the planetar is formed for years for new concepts.

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