Vote for the speaker you want to see in sessions: AI

It’s time to hear your voice. After receiving an excessive application for speakers TechCrunch sessions: AIWe have chosen six incredible finalists. TC Meetings: AI takes place in Zellerbach Hall on UC Berkeley in Berkeley, and you have the power to decide who wants to accept the scene with 1200 AI leaders and fans.

Audience selection The voting lasts until 11:59 to March 21. You can only choose one speaker, so fix your voice number!

Also forget To save up to $ 210, save your ticket now Provide your location in the most voting session and other AI-oriented discussions, discover advanced AI updates, contact industry leaders and immerse yourself in the AI ​​revolution.

And the finalists …

TechCrunch sessions AI Audience option finalists
Photo credits:Techcrunch

Want to know more? You can learn more about these exceptional finalists – and sessions offered Our event page. After finding your favorite speaker, vote for their experiences to share your own breakout session!

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