The disadvantages of Trump’s aggression in Europe cloudy giants

Skunkwerks, the founder of Skunkwersks, a small technological infrastructure company in Austria, said that the company moves several servers and databases from the beginning of the year to European services. « First and first of all, these are values, » says Cotthuber. « Privacy for me is not a privilege. » CotThuber, the decision of the action is easier for a small job like it, but it eliminates some taxes paid to the direction of the cocoon. « The best is to make this small contribution, but also ensure that customers are respected and preserved. »

Steffendata, the General Director of a company, which provides information from the press to doctors and hospitals in Europe, always says that there is a « absolute » in Europe, but customers require more in recent weeks. « Since 2025, the information was in addition to the residency guarantees, our customers asked us to use the cloud providers from us, » Schmidt said that some services were transferred to the Sözauer’s Exocale.

Harry Staight, which is a spokesman for AWS, says customers are moving from AWS to EU alternatives. « Our customers control the information and how it is encrypted and how it is encrypted and we are preparing the sovereign-die on AWS clouds, » he says. « AWS services supports encryption with customer-driven keys that are inaccessible to AWS, which means that customers have complete control of who access to information. » Staight, PCLOB member member’s member agreements around the EU-US information exchange and the cloud act is « additional supply for the cloud composition », he said. Google and Microsoft refused to comment.

The potential turn of the US technological companies is not only associated with cloud providers. Visitors from January 15 European alternatives Website Increased by more than 1200 percent. The site listed everything from music to DDOS protection. « Of course, we can feel something going on, » Saric said the company’s net recurring revenue « beat » in the first 18 days of March. « This is an organic growth that cannot be explained by any seasonal or activity, » he says.

When there are signs of movement, the effect is least likely to be at least small. In the world, governments and enterprises use multiple cloud services such as authentication measures, hosting, data storage and increasingly data centers that provide AI processing from major cloud and technological service providers. CotTHuber, for large businesses, can take many months, how many months can be passed, nor what to do is transfer, risks, plus actually changing systems. « If you have a hundred petabytes, it will take years to pass over the internet, » he said.

Over the years, European companies have struggled to compete with Google, Microsoft and Amazon’s cloud services and technical infrastructure that combat billions of billions each year. Alternative European cloud firms can also be difficult to find similar services on the scale of data.

« If the hyperscaler deepens the cloud ecosystem, you will fight to find equivalent services in another place, » said Bert Hubert, entrepreneur and former government regulator, entrepreneur and former government regulator, saying or reconsidered about very new cloud migrations. Hubert claims that there is no more « safe » for this European governments will be transported to clouds and this European alternatives cannot compete properly. « We sell very beautiful trees in Europe here. But not so much furniture, » he says. But this can change.

Sechaake, a former member of the European Parliament, says a different approach to new investments, buying public services or a European first approach or investment The stack of European technology can help stimulate the extensive movements on the continent. « The dramatic slip of the Trump management is very material, » said Schaake. « It is clear that everything can happen and the fact that Europe is a fend for itself. Now we have to see a type and guidance as we see this to make it in a sense to turn it into meaningful action. »

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