‘Tamil Nadu give more than what it gets’: the reignitites reignitites debital debate

Answering by Financial Diabursday Platformers on Social Media Platformers with a new argument of Tamil Nadu’s economic contribution to the Union Government.

Muthukrishnan has asked questions about the Center’s financial assistance provided to Tamil Nadu while ignoring the union income. He argues that in the federal structure, financial exchange should be seen as refunds instead of one-way assistance.

« Be a farm or financial minister, how much service they have been served. But it should be sensed from Tamil Nadu.

The remark of Muthukrishnan reflects the debate with India, which strong economic states often get in customs and grants. Tamil Nadu, is one of the states in India, is one of the highest income countries, are one of the most contributors.

The financial experts indicated that the center’s attitude indicates the center’s position often, the state played an important role in the project support and benefits.

« Why, why is the center continued to point out what it is doing at Tamil Nadu?

Tamil Nadu, along with other developers such as Mahashtra and Karnataka, has previously been criticized by the distribution of income. Experts with taxes with taxes with high taxes compared to their contribution comparable to transparent and balanced policy.

The topic of Muthukrishnan setting a conversation of a transparent partition between the center and part of the structural economic system.

Last month, Reuters reported that the government is looking for taxes from at least 40% of the country from 41%.

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