Sudan War will be full

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War in Sudan went back to where it was punished for two years ago: in battle for Downtown Khartoum.

After a collision comes for several days, staying good for you de Facto Pruisent Abdel Abdel, including central banks in the war.

Presidential Presidential President Caps SudanHis civil war has fallen shortly if the army can be tined control of Khartoum it will allow the Gen Burhan to allow the Gen Burhan installs a wide range of government.

But it is also a time of great danger for the city and to win on the weekend of Darfur Darfo.

Suliman Baldo, the political army can be controlled control of capital and transparent policies.

The soldiers celebrated in front of windows and facades hit the bomb explosion, respect for serious fighting.

« Nothing for people who return to except the walls of their homes. »

The war has happened in the year 2023 in downtown Khartoum after a powerful fight between the army and RSF DagDaus, was accused of killing the breeding by the United States.

Before turning their guns, together, the two sides participated for the way down the streets of the three decades of Omar al-Bashir in 2019.

At times of war, the army gets damned after defeat, withdrawing the most to go to Sudan in the Red Sea. But since September past it has caused the clashes in territory and most of the capital.

Celebrity Army Soldier
Sudan Army has retracted large capital of capital © AP

The moments that float in an interesting army with Islamic Islands, which has been supported in the past, and inserted by experts. The decline of RSF RSF is also a factor.

Cameron Hudson The most successful in the aircraft’s adherence and through the study in Washington for strategy

But the fight for the Khartoum did not end. Friday’s resistance attack claimed the life of senior weapons and other soldiers of the southern city.

At the same time, the RSF crawl out of the city desert parking in the city in Sudan is meeting.

Nour Babbores controls all control of Khartoum It’s not destroying Congress Surmerate congrane Congres Congres Congres Congres

He spoke an anxious concern, in control of the capital, may not be willing to be unwilling or unable to contact the west province. With Khartoum in hand, the motivation for the security of negotiations may be reduced, increase the risk to share.

Sudan National Assembly Military has a flag to celebrate after the Public Public Palace in Khartoum
The military members of the military members have a flag © AP

This is also a moment of great danger for civilians. More than 12mn of the population 50mn of the population was displaced by war, and in some of some famine.

Breretness has been committed by both parties. In recent months, its army alliance has been accused of killing ethnic killings to an area that was dismissed in an area that was dismissed in an area. RSF, which caused the military « Janjaweed » Arabian Friendly Arabic Arabic as a war crime, canceled the number they had withdrawn.

« It was their model in a certain return in the population while they returned. »

The Challenge soon Gen Burhan is to start giving the panel and services empty and ensure food supply, watering.

Another difficulty is the way to get an international support required for new construction while holding all different forces under his banner. The most victory of Burhan was divided by former Islamic supporters, who keep support among the population.

But the Western Government, and Saudi allies of Saudi in the Middle East, wanted to see their return. However, they, however, can stimulate powerful power.

« I don’t expect them to stay away now because the war is not just. »

Cartoon by Cleve Jones

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