Studio people can fly VR games rejected in the retreat of platform owners’ retreating

Polish video game developer people can fly – are known as developed titles as well as the teeth: doomsday and bulletstorm – not working in small, but noteworthy of virtual reality based on both new and old features. Last year, Studio was performed by a Bulletstorm VR, which was made by a subsidiary called Incuvo. However, these reviews quoted as the studio has gathered VR plans Latest financial statement.

PCF GROUP SA decision to phase PCF Group’s Phase, « People fly » and determined the analysis of investments in VR platforms, « investment in the production of new VR games by VR platform.  »

In other words, platform owners such as PlayStation, Meta and Valves do not leave money for new games from VR platforms. Thus, for studios such as already, it can fly to make VR titles to make games for a larger flat screen market without subsidies to reduce risks.

Last year, Meta closed the ready-made internal VR game studio in the Dawn, this was not a major priority compared to the $ Boondoggggg of the VR game. Other VR Studios, such as Sanzaru games, made critical success with Asgarind’s anger last year, but the mother wax on Meta sales numbers.

Although the VR market is prone to the EBB and flow, the ongoing programs are far from it, there is a lot of reasons for cynicism. The subsidized investment for creating a foundation and audience for VR was the only way to build a long time. VR companies and major projects with many employees and major projects are not only large enough to pay the latest in the market in the market.

The choice for studios as people can fly. It is very risky to just go right now.

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