By Robert’s boiling
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One of the reasons I was a fan Southern park Because the third grade is that Trey Parker and Matt Stone have always sought to go so far that you cannot but hit. In fact, in fact, the « great correction » of the season 25 « Tolkien Black », which believes that his name was always referred to the author of Jrr Tolkien, although his name was actually in the tokenism link because he played the first role in the 3 season because he is the only black child in the city.
Walking the incredible lengths to light their audience, Parker and Stone went so far away to return through all their clips, episodes and pages on their site to change the writing of the Tolkien’s name in subtitles and headlines, effectively (and borderline) rewrite the story as a means to lean in a joke, I thought his name was named – which generated throughout the humor, that the humanity in general ran the series, as if Token/Tolkien somehow became perfect bassist after Cartman believes he probably had four lines somewhere in the attic.
The « great correction » must be accepted literally

Southern park The « great correction » has a simple story -oriented march, which is shocked by learning that he was the only person who thought his friend’s name was written « token » rather than « Tolkien ». The whole joke focuses on the fact that everyone always knew that his name is Tolkien, and that racist Stano thinking that the only black child in his class would be named in his social status in the mostly white city.
Stan feels the guilt that he will visit Dr. Gowcha, who breaks the fourth wall by putting on the audience on the viewer, saying: « I thought anyone else was what the name of this child was to lexen?
Like someone who watches TV exclusively with subtitles I knew where it Southern park Gag went and knew that this was just a matter of time before the token name would change to Tolkien trickle After the « big correction » went on the air.
And if you looked Southern park Inside as long as I have, you probably also raised a joke. However, if you are late bloom and haven’t started watching Southern park until much later in the course (or do not watch TV with subtitles), you would have no reason to believe that Tolkien’s name was actually a marker up to 24 season.
Gas lighting at the expert level

Again breaking the fourth wall at the end of this Southern park The episode, Dr. Gaush turns to the audience, saying: « The story of the young STAN may seem incredible. But the fact that many people suffer from unconscious prejudice. If you or anyone you know, also thought that the name Tolkien does not come. JRR TolkienThen, please call 1-800- I have a giant piece of SH*T because you- the problem f*cking. »
Moreover, Tolkien’s father, Steve, is involved in the history of B, with his father’s condition Randy who understands this Southern park He does not want to buy marijuana in white farms. In his desperate attempt to rehab, Tegrity, so that he addresses a broader demographic, Randy hires Steve as a financial advisor for his business so he can use his resemblance to billboards to get more sales than before.
Steve, who realizes that he is used as a black man (as well as the original canonical name of his son) for sales management, decides to open the store across the road from Randy with his new farm, Credigree Weed, a psychoactive plant provider that has more « credit » than his white counterpart.
A joke with layers

Showing a problem with tokenism that was a source of humor in the series literally decades, Southern park The toker, which reworked Tolkien, so any viewer who felt unjustifiably called by Dr. Gowcha as a racist will go to his catalog on Max, only finding out that the spelling had already been changed, but confirmed that his name was always in the link to the author of the rings ruler.
By taking on Southern park Evil from rewriting the story and redirection of the character of Tolkien, who is so involved (seriously, who is charged with subtitles?), That you cannot not capture how far the third parker and Matt Stone are ready to take things to take a joke.
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