Is a Roman reign and Seth Rollins: Share many stories together, and their paths once have been cut down before the wrestler 41.
While they regulate the units for attacking each other, they can end up reuniting as a shield as their leader for the great stage of all. Although the former members of the two shields have already found that how much they hate each other, their hatred for CM Punk seems to cope with their hatred for each other.
CM Punk, Roman Kingdom, and Seth Rollins is going to face to face this week’s BLUE BRAND. This will be the first time they interact with each other, because during the Rollins and Punk steel box during the Rad brand.
Brock Lesnar changed Royal Rumble Large plans. Additional details: Here
While WWE can confirm three-star threats this week between three stars this week, it can be turned into two-one disabled game in Wrestlemania 41. Rollins could be reunited Is a Roman reign And the team get up to get Paul Hayman’s new manager.
Both men can either continue to run their labels and land the entire list, becoming the greatest tag team in the company’s history, or return to each other once.
Will Paul Hayman’s traitor Roman?
During the Roman Kingdom, « Return WWE raw a few weeks ago, Paul Hayman saw a check Cm punk Before OTC unleashed the attack on the latter. Poghos Hayman then appeared last week of SmackDown to respond to the return of possessors, which caused some questions for the fans.
While Heyman still has a special advice, he hinted with CM Punk with his actions. It will now be interesting to see how the former indisputable WWE universal champion responds to Heiman’s actions, and if the latter betrays his tribal head on the way to the wrestler.
Edited by HARISH Raj S
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