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Bert Ward did everything that Adam West did, but back and in the elves shoes.
« Batman » William Dodier 1966 A lot of tricks are required. Each episode, Batman (West) and Robin (Ward), enter into full struggle with the mining group, often planting bruises with oversized, screenshot one -tamatopia. Follow! BOFF! Vara! Kretch! However, since Batman wore a cap with his head, the West could be easily replaced in the battle scenes. Ward, who wore only a small domino mask, had a more visible face and could not replace it with stuntmen so often. Thus, Ward had to learn the choreography for almost each of the many fights of the show. Batman, by the way, lasted 120 episodes, so it is a lot of choreography.
Robin seems to play with many physical problems, even outside the broad training. Ward confessed to his autobiography, « The boy is surprised: my life in tights », The fact that the producers of the show were worried that his genitals would be visible through his green trunks, and that they gave him special pills, e -e, cut him. Ward, who tried to have a baby at the time, lifted the pills but never swallowed them. He did not know what side effects could have mysterious pills.
But the tricks were the most difficult, especially since Ward was not prepared by a stunt. Indeed, the first four days of Ward spent, playing Robin, they were the most painful, because the bad tricks made him ambulance every day. On the first day, almost the Batmobil was almost fallen away while he was driving 55 miles per hour. Ward told about his work experience in Los -Angeles Cook, event rewritten by Hollywood reporter in 2017.
Bert Ward almost fell out of the car
Ward recalled to get into Batmobile (Best Batmobile) On the first day of shooting and seeing in the double corpse of Adam West (probably his usual double, huby kernels) sitting on the driver’s seat. Ward knew he also had his stuntman, a man named Victor Paul, and recalls how Paul drank coffee with the West while he was preparing to do the Batmobile trick. Ward asked the director of the episode why his stunt was not in the car, and the director simply said that Victor Paul was not like him. Young Bert Ward was supposed to make the trick, as it was hastily explained. Then Ward turned to Kurs to ask what they were doing. According to Ward’s memory:
« He says, » They don’t want to risk Adam, so they hired me to do it. « I said, » Oh. (…) He says, « Oh yes!
Ward was not encouraged, but he still did the trick. To do this, Batmobile swung around the curve, the door on the passenger’s side opened, and the young actor was almost thrown. He recalls that he barely holds on to his dear life and as a result of injuring his hand. This, remember, was a picture scheduled for Ward 7:30 in the morning, would not be taken to the trauma center for hours. As he remembered:
« I instinctively threw my hand back and managed to catch my finger around the gear handle that pulled it straight out of the joint, but it kept me in the car.
You can wonder if Ward is considered to refuse.
Was Bert Ward prone to crash?
Permanent injuries led to an awkward moment in the hospital, as Ward had to eventually explain himself. He said:
« I returned every day (to the hospital) and it was the same ambulance doctor. » Are you prone to accidents? What you do is dangerous things. You need to be more attentive! « » « »
Fortunately, after these first four days, Ward did not return to the hospital. On DVD -Disks « Batman », however, the West once confessed that the cut down to the Batcycle is not always reliably, and the Ward who was traveling on the way, once rejected while the cycle was still on the move. As a result, he rolled into the pier and into the ocean. Fortunately, Ward could swim and was completely safe. According to the West, however, Ward hated every minute of Batcycle scenes because he often goes out of control. « Batman » seems to have been a pretty moody business.
Ward continued to act after Batman, although the show brought him so much glory, the directors of the casting had problems, seeing it as anyone except Robin. Many of his TV performances « Batman » were adjacent to Robin, or cases where he plays himself. His cinema career went better when he made many low -budget genre films that are interested in watching. And he was always quite professional. Now 79 years, Ward has been continuing to manage the charity giant with his wife. Man is a titan and we need to appreciate it. Holy Popcorn, Batman!
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