Riot riots on why successful modern studios trust in cloud infrastructure

Presented by AWS for games

Cloud infrastructure accelerates the development periods of the game, enhances cooperation and strengthens security without breaking creativity. In this VB Spotlight event, learn how to lean the cloud infrastructure to create reward winning games of Riot games.

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The development of the game is not very different from the traditional program development, Alexey Prohorenko Director of Software, but creates unique difficulties by managing a wide library of large digital assets throughout high-speed workflow.

« Many sounds, many pure videos will be moving and graphics, it should also be part of the structure, » said Prohorenko. « Thus, it is a more complex process that they want to see the results of engineers and developers and quickly, this is a problem for you to work more effectively and more efficiently and faster.

Prohorenko is a modern solution to how to talk about the difficulties of the AWS, Cloud Migration in AWS, to talk about the difficulties of the pipeline challenges in the game.

« Technology is the best, where it comes out of the road, and the result helps you achieve your main goal. » « Generally the benefits of AWS and Cloud calculation are elasticity and auto scale. This can give you quick iteration and give you an example in various geographical spaces. »

Where the cloud has the most influence

It depends on the company and its needs, which tells the place where the cloud brings the most value, Prohorenko says, but there are several places shown to a certain word.

« If you try to go for the most Roi, you have a better chance to the construction step, » he says. « You will be able to make more economical and you will definitely develop iteration speed. Next engineers, developers and creative people are the step of the digital assets, actual code or any other works. »

In small companies, especially the clouds of a number of places can add great advantages, especially the clouds of employees, Mayer says, but also developers focused on northern work.

« What are the procedures or technologies involved in the development process of the game, and how much I have to do in your organization? » We have seen a building on the middle point, or a fast starting, which can give you the best of open source tools or technologies, which are the best of both worlds. « 

Drilling special samples, Prohorenko notes that when in the development of more than one game, the AWS Cloud was a game changer, which must be scale between platforms. For example, Mac’s infrastructure was difficult for a long time. AWS EC2 samples for Macs, reusable infrastructure and a large number of teams and a large number of teams and effectively can be scale.

« In fact, you will have to enter the game test or do it in another type of control, » he says. « It’s easy to make examples in the cloud for us. »

This is an example of this additional loads in developers, it is an example of which you can eliminate.

« You say that for something like this, I don’t want to add a system administrator hat for my game-learning – I do not want to add to our game studio for anything with the EC2. »

Automing for major projects and work flows

Traditional infrastructure, data center, need physical apparatus and power planning and management. In other words, calculate how many servers are needed, when needed, whatever performance is required and more happens when you need more. Then, in the next period, it means re-evaluation, more servers or get the servers you do not need, etc. And so on.

AWS’s automatic scaling function is a great value offer, says the mayers – these physical or virtual machines are always forced to manage with an example of rapidly rapidly and needs.

« In addition, I can just press a button, I can increase it in response to events like the increase in players, » he said. « An absolute benefit for the unexpected nature of monthly use, especially live service games. »

Advances in cloud safety

Procedures for the same safety processes and infrastructure in buildings are applied to clouds and some nuances. As a user of the organization, as a user of the organization’s management and physical safety of safety centers and safety, which is a joint security model of a joint security responsibility.

Developers should take into account the issues such as recreation and transit, identity and access management and the most privileged principle, use employees’ work functions, management, aircraft and offLanding and AWS services. AWS offers features like a security center and control tower for a very calculated environment.

« As a result, we provide tools to help you work safely, but I’m sure you need to be sure of the best practices as a user.

Safety wise, Prohorenko says there is no silver bullets in terms of priority of a play studio. It depends on what the assets are transferred and when they are complicated, when they are complex, when and where they are scaled. But there are a number of areas that often require additional attention.

« I would invest in my perspective, the first investment and virtual workstations in the construction. » « However, a large organization thinks that the processes of establishing the process partially or completely clouded and control the version and control the version.

For a deep dive for a deep appearance after waiting for cloud migration, including cooperation, technology, plus migration, and this webinar will be free of this webinar.

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  • Learn what parts of the game development pipeline will benefit from cloud
  • How revolutionary develops in cloud-based devices and virtual workstations
  • Why slash costs of dynamic cloud resources while increasing productivity
  • How to start finishing how to protect your game assets and infrastructure
  • The pros and cons of the movement of cloud solutions, building or purchase

The presenters

  • Alexey ProhorenkoProgram Engineering Director, Riot Games
  • Kevon MayersSolutions Architect, AWS
  • Dean TakahashiLead Writer, GameBreat (Moderator)

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