PWC India processing Moncisev Krishnan Fra Murus IS MONBITY MONEBERS THAT BT Mindrush 2025

SanjeVev Krishnan, President of PWC India, sent BT Mindrus address in the future, uncertainty, confusion and uncertainty (Vuca). He noticed that while disturbing is not new, its current pace is required by the basic strategic. Instead of an uncertain impact, the organization must look at business, challenging

Example painting – from AirbnB and Uber (caused by highlighters)

Adaptation and agility: Favorite success that can be responding quickly to change. Zoom’s meteoric increase in the COVID-19 Pandemic exemplifies the method of analyzing decision and time.

Trial and Percent Customer: Organizations expect to change the need before they express full. The e-commerce trade platform of India villages show that dynamic invention can create a whole new market and determine the customer’s new market.

Resistance: In addition to the only survival, the resilience involves keeping the crisis to ensure a long-term strategic advantage. The alterational planted companies and strong administrative risk will be strong from distractions.

Ender-Ender Technology: While technology often acts as represented for change, it is the same solution. Organizations must accept digital transformation – use emerging tools in effective drives, differences, and competition differences.

Cooperation: The next wave of the next growth will not take place in solitude. India’s success with the powerful infrastructure of cooperation, agility of the government, and the bright ecosystem.

Krishnan has concluded that the distraction should be regarded not a threat but a motives for revival. He mentioned responsibility of business leaders to determine the active and the Vacation and Geographical work is about to rehabilitate its power. « trovanth.v = 0uv4iztq_c

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