By Jonathan Chat
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Horror is an interesting genre that covers everything starting from gorefest Saw 3 to Meta-Movie Campy Shout 3But sometimes, for the movie to be truly restless and terrible, it should not even have a high level of body. Take an example one of the underestimated horror thrillers 2024, HereticA somber movie, a slow burning that goes completely in the same house with the central cast of only three characters, and nevertheless, it is incredibly effective to stay with the audience for a few weeks after viewing it. Hugh Grant, a man who made his name in Rom-Coms, turns his light charm into a terrible weapon, and in this process he turns a low-budget film into mandatory attention of the acting showcase.
Sharm Hugh Grant becomes a deadly weapon

The grant plays Mr. Reid, a man who lives on the verge of a small city who appealed to the Mormon church for information, which made the church grace (Topher Grace) send two young missionaries to spread the good word. Sister Barnes (Sophie Thatcher, Star of a recent horror movie, Companion) and the sister of the Paska (Chloe East, fromFablelmans) Who’s in one of many reasonable writing decisions Heretic Drawing unlike most of the main horror characters and realizing that something is not quite okay when they enter the strange house of Mr. Reid, which he notes are laid out by the lead so that cell phones do not work inside. Impressed that Mrs. Reed bakes a blueberry pie, the girls are sitting and participating in a busy discussion over the nature of faith, God and the role of religion when they understand that there is no Mrs. Reed, and two missionaries are trapped inside.
Heretic Shortly afterwards, when the girls follow Mr. Reed, when using a monopoly as a support, he talks about a single true religion. This is invented monologue Something you would never expect from a person who won the hearts of viewers in movies like Noting Hill and Four weddings and funeralBut this is part of what makes it so effective and it’s still just prelude to what it really is. After that, in the scene of the trailers, the girls stand in front of the two doors, marked by « faith » and « disbelief » when they pass and withstand the true horror of Mr. Reid.
Another Hit horror A24

Though Hugh Grant The shooting shows, directors Scott Beck and Brian Woods use the creative camera corners and snap the pictures to make sure the viewers know the size and volume of Mr. Reed. HereticWith the budget only $ 10 million, maximizes its small but detailed sets, and during many scenes of long discussions about religion and humanity, you will have time to evaluate small details, sprinkled throughout the time. Wrong Hereditary He managed to move from slow burn to opening like this one.
The loan is also due to Sofi Thatcher and Chloe East from each of the ascending stars, which give plausible performances as idealistic mormons who want to participate in the philosophical discussion depending on their many years of preparation. Both the Thatcher and the East are also the former Mormons that helped form the film’s drawing make it as realistic and respectful as possible, and this is the greatest trick Heretic pulls in the end. For the film about religion, he leaves the audience a completely different set of questions until the loans are rolling, calling those who saw the movie to discuss the end and what, in their opinion, really means.
Heretic was a sleeping hit in cinemas, resulting in earning $ 50 million worldwide and became another restrained Hit A24. Removing from Hugh Grant’s roles from the roles that made him famous at first in Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among the thieves And now in Hereticpay off, armed with your charm to disarm the audience. If you want a thoughtful, slow burning movie horror that also includes a grant that has won the genre, it is an absolute necessary observation, especially with friends, as in two missionaries, you will have questions when the song is over.
Heretic broadcast on max.
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