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General Dollar, Based on GoodletTtsville, Tennessee, 15,594 store across the United States and in Mexico. It has created sales in the years of January ends on January 15, 2025. More than 80% of the population is in less than 20,000. Three quarters of the United States population lives within three miles of general car stores. All sales areas are about 157 million square feet. DG is expanding its traditional shops from 7,400 square feet to 7,500 or 9,500 or 9,500 to support the wider fridge and a wider reception. Sales is $ 264 per foot in FY25.

Daily necessary stores in daily drives to visit frequently. DG created about 82% of sales from such services such as cleaning and resisted drugs, and 10% of the players. About 5% of sales are from home products

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