Human rights promotionist Tanya O’Carroll forced not to use data for the target advertisement of the giant methane in social media. The agreement is in a settlement for an individual call that he sits against methane tracking and profile Back in 2022.
O’Carroll, UK (and EU) Law of protection of information on the use of individual information to use direct information to the use of individual information, use and profiling it for this purpose for this purpose and to serve microgilted ads.
Meta denied it – his « individual ads » claim is not direct marketing. The case was heard in the British Supreme Court on Monday, but the settlement ends the legal action.
It is a personal victory for O’Carroll: Meta should stop using their data to target when using the service. He thinks that the settlement should be able to manage the same right for marketing to force the other person’s technological giant to respect their privacy.
Speaking about the result, O’Carroll told Techcroll that Meta made a little choice to agree to the settlement after his agreed to what his legal action wanted. He continued and the trial failed, he told us that he could face the basic costs.
« This is a bitter victory, » he said. « In numerous ways, I have achieved what I have achieved – this is to prove that it is a business model and many other companies apply to a business model on the Internet, it is also direct marketing
« I am also honest This is the case. However, of course, the law has not been determined. Mesa did not have to accept responsibility – so they can still say that they are settled with a person in this situation. «
Although the EU information is a comprehensive legal protection, such as people’s information (GDPR), the British internal data protection framework proved that these privacy laws have been applied jointly advertising models that apply these privacy laws in accordance with these Privacy Laws.
Regulatory Whack-A-Mole has played more than one GDPR complaint in connection with the company since the day it came into force in May 2018.
Meta has made enough GDPR fines – including Some of the largest privacy are technological fines – The basis of an unnecessary controlled business model proved more to slip. Although there are signs Executive activity have finally itching In this case in Europe. O’Carroll’s example keys, confidentiality is possible.
« Things hoping, ICO (British Information Commissariat) intervened and in a very open and convincing way – with me, other meta users who step by stepping step-by-step by me can now be a stronger chance to reject their desires.
This thinks that the company is now a « »Payment or consent« The model in England – this is a legal basis that moved to the EU last year. To consent or paying or paying the services of these users to access the ad-free versions.
O’Carroll said he could not disclose the full details of the free entrance in his work, but will ensure his condition, but the meta confirmed that it would not have to pay.
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