Ken Work

A 31-year-old barteman told how the couple crossed after the previous engagement ended, showing how their love story became a full circle.

Gypsy Rose Blunzhard, who became widely known as the victim of Mansouusen by proxy and for the role in the mother’s murder, Di yeah BlanzhardFor the first time he met with Ken Urker while still imprisoned.

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Ken Urker to ignite love out of the gypsy

Ken Urker and Gypsy Rose Blondhard
Instagram | Gypsy Rose Blaneshard

However, after the release of December 28, 2023, the gypsy announced its separation from Ryan in less than four months.

Ken shared the way he and the gypsy again joined the earlier this year, telling Folk« We first joined the first weekend of April, when I came to visit her first after she came out. We spent this weekend together and spent an incredible time. »

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Things were rapidly progressing when the couple reunited a month on Jazz Fest. « Then shortly afterwards we realized that we would have a child. So I moved here, » Ken said, citing their current home in Missouri.

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Gypsy rose welcomed in the Urker family with open hugs

Gypsy Rose Blaneshard and Ken Urker take selfies
Instagram | Gypsy Rose Blaneshard

Ken’s family warmly welcomed Gypsy into her life.

« My dad, my mom, my siblings, just know that we are happy and we have a beautiful girl, » he shared. « And I mean, they are all very supportive and glad that the gypsy in our family is now. »

Reflecting on the journey of the Gypsies, Ken expressed his admiration for his sustainability and growth after the release.

« I could not be proud of what was our child’s mother and as a partner in life, » he said. « And I think even after all she survived, it was one of the things I loved about her from the beginning. »

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Ken Urker tells about childhood Gypsies

Gypsy Rose Blaneshard and Ken Urker take selfies at Universal
Instagram | Gypsy Rose Blaneshard

Ken noted that despite the traumatic Gypsy past, her spirit remains unwavering.

« You might think that the paper that the one who has experienced such a great injury will affect some of the worst ways, » he explained. « I didn’t see it for her. I saw such an incredible spirit and soul. That’s what ultimately made me fall in love with her. »

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“We have a long story. So, for the first time, we met in 2017 for two years. We have a two-year story under our belt, « she said. » We separated four and a half years, and then I got married and went on. I married Ryan. And then I went out (in prison) and only realized that I wanted not to marry. And so I fell on the divorce, and then again contacted Ken. And a month later we got pregnant. It’s somehow a journey. « 

Now the Gypsy rose is a mom

Gypsy Rose Blaneshard Sonogram
Instagram | Gypsy Rose Blaneshard

« When we crashed (that was the case) » Ohrora is never born, « she explained, referring to their daughter, which they welcomed earlier this year. » A lot of people think that origin is one, but they don’t know this little story. « 

The ex-kon also acknowledged the problems associated with her pregnancy, and how this new chapter gave her a new perspective.

« When I learned that I was pregnant, nothing else was important; drama on social media, hostility between the creators and me, and all this drama, it just faded. It no longer mattered, » she told her fans. « All that’s important is that I am healthy, the baby is healthy, and Ken’s relationships are healthy. »

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What’s next for Gypsy?

Gypsy rose takes selfies
Instagram | Gypsy Rose Blaneshard

As for the following, fans of Gypsy history will receive domestic attention in her life, if in March the premiere of the 2nd season « Life after closing ».

The show will study her journey as a free woman, moving to divorce, igniting romance and an unexpected path to motherhood.

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