Jerry Seinfeld quoted only one line from its nbc sycama

At the beginning of the episode « Seinfeld » « Pie » (February 17, 1994) Jerry Sainfeld was trying to feed an apple pie on his date, Audrey (Susanna Snider), but she refuses without giving reasons. The refusal to eat something offered by peers becomes the episode motive. Later, the couple goes to the restaurant owned by Audrey’s father, but refuses to eat a piece of pizza she offers him. She immediately realizes that this small social minor is a form of revenge. Like all episodes « Seinfeld », something tiny and accidental, through a huge network of neuroses, turned into a mass clumsy artificial.

Later, George (Jason Alexander) has dinner with the future employer at the restaurant. George notes that his competitor is in the kitchen of the restaurant, and begins to suspect that his food may somehow are spoiled. When his potential employer, Mackenzie (Lane Davis), offers George to bite a chocolate cream pie, he refuses. This is surprising Mackenzi because he just said George as important to match and be a team player. One of the compatriots McKenzie leaves forward and says with the intense Portent: « If you are one of us, you snack. » What to say, George’s refusal to eat the pie loses his work.

It seems « if you are one of us, you bit » is a dialogue that Jerry Sinfeld, even to this day, uses in a random conversation. « Seinfeld » though initially hatedOf course, he has ever introduced a lot of random conversations. « Close Talks », « Hello, Newman », « Fantal Boy », « Sponge decent », « Sup-Nazi », etc. But in Reddit Ama since 2013Jerry Seinfeld confessed that the line was « bite » with him. He repeats it every time he shares food with his children.

If you are one of us, you snack.

Seinefeld confessed that it was a strange line to deprive mega-hith series containing Zeitgeist, which lasted 180 episodes for nine seasons. However, « bite » is the one that is stuck. He likes to use it when his children. As he wrote:

« The only string I quote from the show (and I will be very impressed when anyone remembers this line) is » if you are one of us, you are snacking « .

« Oh, humanity! » Of course, the shameful phrase shouted by journalist Herbert Morrison, when he witnessed that on this life -valid day on this fateful day in 1937, Hindenburg was repeated (the phrase repeated Newman (the phrase (the phrase was repeated (Wayne Knit, who is fond of work in the courtroom) in « Seinfeld » episode « potholes » (February 20, 1997). In this episode, Newman was driving on a mail shipping truck when he got into a sewing car in the middle of the road (and we don’t need to join how he got there). He started dragging the car under the car, creating a shower from the spark. Then he drove over the puddles of the paint thinner, spilled shop (Michael Richards’ show « show Michael Richards). When the lower part of his truck burned into the flames, he shouted, « Oh, humanity! » Yes, Seinfeld took this one.

Interestingly, Seinfeld did not accept any of his dialogue into the real world.

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