Favorite inflation indicator you like, Pice Price Index, will be released by by day this morning. The benchmark is different from the famous price index in its compositions and it is quick to reflect the real time price fluctuations. In the report of January, the inflation rate has increased 2.5% year over the years. Last CPI report (February) has 2.8% inflation. PCE core, which eliminates fluctuations and energy prices, increased at 2.6% in the latest month. Our PCE prophecy requires high reading in February: 2.4% for the number of headlines and providing difficulties in a difficult service. Overall, inflation in this cycle of 2022 summer and has no effective trip. We follow 20 inflation measures each month. On average, they are showing that price is increasing at 3,15% of the Flattle Rate, which is flat to one month ago. The figures are fluctuated and distorted by the changes within the transition inflation. Focus on the main inflation – Rate of expectations of inflation in inflation in the market in the market, and our readers are down 2.60%
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