‘I must delete my Zerodha account’: Mail of Bengaluru Techie has been quick to respond from Nithin Kamath

When his wife participated in the world investment banks, Sachin Jha did not expect it to force him to quit Zerodha. But the compliance command is cruel and unable to negotiate:

« Close Zerodha account. They’re not ‘reliable broker.' »

The issue? Zerodha does not have a physical bank label and that is enough to activate the red flag inside.

In fact, product manager in Bengaluru, is not ready to go quietly. He fired the most final e-mail of Zerdha CEO Nithin Kamath – more from curiosity than hope. Ten minutes later, Kamath responded.

What is not the only response. It is your 2 billion courses that are more likely to be a $ 2 billion that looks like that.

« As a nerd PMM, I love their conscious ui, » Jha wrote about Linkedin. But the administrator does not leave room for personal preferences. So he sent Kamath emails, half silence.

Instead, Kamath responded almost immediately – and his team spread to the action.

  • They accept the action gaps away: « We are fixing this with the bank. »
  • They have called JOA’s help in directly connected to his wife’s employer directly for the reaction cooperation.
  • They shared a trail map to build trust institution of trust institution – something zerodha is working active.

« I also closed my account, » Jha is acceptable. « But they won my trust for life. »

The status without Zerroda’s bank is always a two-comprehensive sword. Its digital form helps it strong and remained, but physical infrastructure raise reliable issues in the trusted ring. Kamath himself recognized public.

While digital is effective for physical services and services valuable « for broader financial services, lending, and credibility of the institution.

Zerodha has no bank license at any time soon. Kamath referred to the rules of the procedure is an important barrier. For now, broker is extended by cooperation – similar to that small, such as operational efficiency.

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