Gabby Thomas had an incredible year in 2024, winning three Olympic gold medals. Now that he is preparing for the new season, the American made an amazing discovery, as he discussed the places of « Grand Slam » of Michael Johnson.

Johnson, who was considered a lot of all time officers, launched GST, last year a very good League. The League will have four matches, the first competition in Ama Amaya Kingston, followed by meetings in Los Angeles, Miami and Philadelphia.

Gabby Thomas At the end of last year, he was signed with Grand Slam Track, and League sites have recently been classified. In Instagram’s video, he revealed that he was most excited to compete in Ama Amaykay, never exercising it before.

« I am more excited for Kingston. I’m really excited. I have never compete in Jamaica before. « 

Then he passed the other three places, saying:

« (Second) Miami because I love Miami. (Then) Philly, because I love Franklin’s field, it’s close to our hearts and dear. LA is cool. « 

Gabby Thomas about joining the Grand Slam Track

Thomas in the Women's Sports Summit Business (Image Source: Getty)Thomas in the Women's Sports Summit Business (Image Source: Getty)
Thomas in the Women’s Sports Summit Business (Image Source: Getty)

Gabbi Thomas signed Michael Johnson’s Grand Slam, the American excitement became clear through the press release, emphasizing that his enthusiasm will compete against the best sprinter.

« I am so excited to join Grand Slam Track, and I collaborate with Michael NS Johnson so that our sports are worth it. Leaving the Olympic Games, I want to continue to test myself and compete at the highest level of the world’s fastest women. The Grand Slam Track allows us that opportunity in 2025. « 

Tovmas continued to praise Johnson’s vision, saying:

« Mikael’s vision is incredibly exciting, and I can’t wait for millions of ways to make worshipers around the world to compete with us. I look forward to seeing all our fans in four slams next year. « 

Thomas is likely to compete in the GST’s short sprints group, which will present a racer of 100 m and 200 m. Out of Gabby Thomas, other stars who signed with Grand Slam Track Sydney Mclaughlin-LevroneTo be in style Fred KerryKenny Bednarek, Cole Hoops, etc.

The first meeting of Grand Slam Track is scheduled for April 4-6 at King Amaya’s National Stadium. The event will leave Live Live on Peacock, which is available in CW.