There must be something going in. That’s why you can help you call in the healthiest diet. Color, consistency and frequency can act as a nutritional meter.
“When you have the right meal for you, your body has a good shit. Full management In New York City and the author Good sh*t.
Here, experts say shit health, color, FrequencyAnd consistency strictly speaks of the food of the plate. Health conditions can also affect shit health and quality, so if you are interested in more serious, consult your doctor.
Edible coloring agents can dye almost all colors of the rainbow. However, if there is no blue ice or black licorice in the recent diet, it is as follows that each color signal is sending for intake.
What does brown shit mean?
Brown goes well with shit health and diet. The exact shade reflects the GI passing time.
« The fast -moving chair may have a lighter color, but the chair in the colon has a darker color, » he says. Bethany DoerflerA gastrointestinal researcher at North Western Medical Digestive Health Center in RDN, Chicago. If you have a dark or bright shit, find out which food can speed up or slow down.
What does green shit mean?
Lettuce guess: Did you eat green? Especially green vegetables Dense SINETT says that it is rich in chlorophyll and can paint shit green. However, green chairs can occur when food moves too quickly through crisis (aka diarrhea). Check the frequency below when it sounds familiar.
What does red shit mean?
sugar beet Doerfler is famous for turning the chair in red so red, but it naturally says that red foods can reduce bowel movements, Doerfler says. If you haven’t had red food recently, consult your doctor about the fundamental health.
What does black shit mean?
Are you taking it? steel Supplement? Like pepto-bismol, you can turn shit in a scary black. But often requiring GI-TARGETED drugs is a big clue that can escape from the diet.
What does orange shit mean?
Beta carotene, an orange pigment that color carrots in color, can theoretically give the dung orange shades. It is more likely to occur in carrot juice that is the opposite of the whole vegetable. To color the stool, you need to eat inhuman carrots.
What does yellow shit mean?
DoerFler said, “A pale yellow chair can be a signal that you have a fast -moving intestine. “This is very normal and a High fiber diet. ”
Dung frequency and consistency
« The consistency and frequency of intestinal movement is important. » And they tend to be related. If the food moves too quickly through the digestive tract, water comes out. If the stool is interrupted, rock constipation can occur.
In other words, there is no perfect shit timing that informs the diet perfection, and all schedules have a unique schedule and are considered normal three to three times a week.
If you have to go somewhat or less often or if you see a change of change, you can handle diarrhea or constipation.
that Bristol scale Categorize feces into seven types.
- Type 1: A separate solid mass
- Type 2: Sausage shape, bumpy bumpy
- Type 3: Sausage shape, cracks on the surface
- Type 4: Sausage or snake shape, soft and soft
- Type 5: Soft stain, clean edge
- Type 6: Dull pieces, bumpy edges
- Type 7: There is no completely liquid, hard piece
Type 1 and 2: Constipation
If you have a hard and dry pellet, you won’t get enough. Soluble fiber. DoerFler is a solubility fiber that improves shit health and keeps working. If you deal with constipation, take 2-4 servings of fruits every day.
Strawberry, fresh belly, kiwi is very helpful in relieving constipation. You may not get enough fluid everydayCheck the pee color. The goal is a straw or light yellow color.
Type 3 and 4: Normal
congratulation! This is the consistency you want. When eating a wide array nutrientFat the fiber demand and avoid Foods that worsen the crisisSinett said most daily mass movements would belong to this category.
Lump of food
DoerFler said, “It is normal to see foods that are not digested in feces. « It means that it simply did not completely disassemble the fiber. »
Type 5 ~ 7: diarrhea
Too many food overeating can cause diarrhea. This includes sweeteners without calories such as caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods and sorbitols, mannitol and xylitol.
Lack of overall fiber content can cause diarrhea. DoerFler said, “Fiber can be used to open and thicker.
Finally, you can narrow about one or more of the food you eat.
DoerFler said, “The stool’s fat is usually not normal unless you eat 100 grams of fat every day. If you follow, it is definitely possible Keto Zenic DietBut if your fat intake is not extreme, consult your doctor about the potential cause of absorption.
DoerFler said, “I like it when the patient tracks food intake. If you pay attention to what is going on every day and a week and what’s going on, you can provide a lot of precious information about the system and not sincerely agree.
Before removing the entire dietary group, and conversation with a doctor, a gastroenterologist, or a registered nutritionist to quickly change the diet that still consumes the necessary nutrients.
She says, « If you change the definition of a clear eating habits and deformation, such as swelling or deterioration of chairs, she discusses these patterns with doctors and nutritionists to develop game plans. »
Also, when evaluating the effects of other foods on shit health, pay attention to what you see as well as what you see. Ideally, you need to feel relief after each shit. Slows the remaining pain, discomfort or all signal GI pain.
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