By Naomi RovNick, IAIN WITHERS AND Jessop Simon
London (Reuters) – European asset managers are considered about prevention, under customers and helps to relax the continent of the logged continent.
Under the rules of the European Union, the amount of money was canceled as a last demand for their investment. Many have avoided all the sector, which is but the manufacturer Rolls Royce and Airbus, which has a large flight department, with a large flight department.
But while EU seeks to invest about 800 billion euros ($ 870 billion USD) in the president of self-defining
The British’s largest investors are in the number of people who plan to increase prevention, referred to sector tense, reutpatics
People tell back, despite their policy examination at the sustainability of rewrite.
Investor says investors say investors say investors say the investors said the investors said the investor
The EU spending spending sent the EU shares including European Rheinmetall and the Investor Leono and the Universe.
You need to prevent, « Someone (Customer of Property Manager), we think investors, »
Exceptions to invest in disputed weapons – such as cluster weapons and organizations with international conventions. EU and the UK rules do not invest in other protective companies, but the most focused investors.
Carl Haglund, Mr. Carl Haglund, not as described, not another way, «
Reuters contacted 10 of Europe’s largest asset manager to ask if they are reviewing their policies. Like UBS, global investors say it has reviewed its exception, but the schedule is accidental.
The Paribas Bnp of France mentions his intentions in defense.
Areundi and Schrolers said their policy is not changed, while DWS the property management polagon and investment.
Head of disaster that is reported as the head of the world named a specialty manager in the necessary considerations of the balance.
But Mrs. Helve raised a confusion of weapons manufacturers, highlighting problems about controversial risks in the country « .
Political pressure
British politicians during the week during the week of the week in the week of the week of the week.
Mr. Siobhan archer began about protection because companies with our wealth management, part of the private bank of Liechtenstein family. LGT is looking for « closely closely in what to do, the archers added.
Some fund managers are suspicious.
Head of Investment, Lloyd Mcalllister, says it is wrong to blame the investment, including the most useful assets – including.
He said sustainable funds, is where « positive benefits are more than loads of weapons sitting in the warehouse ».
Other investors are having a chance on the occasion.
Windustree this week launched what is called the first European exchange funds.
Tom Vile Jensen, Deputy Da Deputy Trade Director and Reuters and Retirements of Country for Prohibition Defense Inhibition.
There is signal that the sustainable symbol of the fund is getting started back.
The European asset manager is held 1.1% of their production in Aeonspace and the end of the year 2024, increasingly two years ago, the morning data.
The ESG funding increased to 0.5% from 0.4% a year ago, the data has been shown. Analyst barclays analysts this week says ESG protection with depths of declined « since last year.
« We will go with a positive stand (prevented), it would be possible if you consider the geological and common situation.
($ 1 = 0.9228 EUR)
(This story has been edited to move quotes in paragraph 17 and edit Typo in the name of verse 19)
(Additional Reported by Sinead Cruise and Chandini Mondappa; Adaptable by Tommy Reggiori Wilkes and Susan Fenton)
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