Easter Egg Marvel in electric state Netflix tease Avengers: Judgment Day

Adaptation of Anthony and Joe Rus Adaptation Critically Famous Illustrated Books Simon Stelehaga « Electric Status » debuted on Netflix Last Friday to expand reviews, and this is basically what happens when Russia creates a Sans Marvel Studios movie, created a security network. Fortunately for them, their next project will restore this network (although after critical and commercial stumbles « Murashka and Wasp: Quantumania », « The Marvels » and « Captain America: Brave New World, Marvel is not quite unlucky).

We will have to wait and see how the following two sections of the MCU (« Thunderbolts* » and « Fantastic Four: The First Steps »), but it is possible that Russia will cut their work « Caution in 2026 » if they try to return the mandatory trouble of the 2008 historical to 2019. Yes, they have Robert’s long -standing -jolt back into the warehouseBut will the cinemas cope with the former Tony Stark, who plays Victor von doom? And will they seek to compete for the superhero register whose films did not quite flock over the last two stages of the company?

The fact that Russia is unable to shoot a movie that can be observed beyond Marvel studios is likely not to hurt them the vast majority of the public. But at the same time, while the Legion of the brand fans enters the next movie about the King’s superhero movie, it definitely did not hurt to break through the pump never slightly. This seems to be what Rusas did with a short shot in « electric condition ».

A scarlet witch returned?

If you looked « electric state » last weekend, my condolences. But while you were spent Netflix movie that currently has a clearly bad rating on Rotten TomatoesYou may have noticed the moment, approximately in the middle of the film, where Bobbi Brown and Hero Chris Prats go to the robot, reading the comic book – and not just any comic book, but the « Avenger of the West Coast » No. 56.

In the cover of this issue in January 1990, a giant scarlet witch, which plays with the most powerful representatives of the heroes of the Earth, was presented with the exclamation of all the Capars « The Witch has returned! » Did Russos just drop this cover into your pre-« Avengers: Judgment Day » for fun? This is very unlikely.

If you ask: « Hey, Not a scarlet witch did not leave In « Dr. Strange in Multishes Madness? » « You must be new for this comicity because death never ends in the Marvel Universe. As for the fact that the relevance of the comic book may contain » Avengers: Court Day « , it should be noted that ten years after the publication, readers, that » Wanda « was a master who was brought by Dr. -The witch that has been obscured by the ball, the balls that turned « attack ».

While « Agatha Alther » made it obvious that Wanda was still fighting, we still didn’t hear any final word about where and when the character returns to MCU. So, feel free to think wildly that this « electric state » is teasing for the future.

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