Do you consume the microprasty? 10 meals hidden in secret

Recently, the microscope is under the microscope, especially estimated to consume among people 39,000 and 52,000 Microprastic particles annual. When we enter what we breathe, this number is 74,000-1000 to 121,000. Microplastics has become a new study of such part of our lives ruminate The value of a plastic spoon consisting of a small plastic shads in human brain tissue. It sounds bad, but how bad is it exactly?

To dig deeper, we talked about the mathmastics they talked to a family doctor, what food they hide and how they limit them and how to limit.

How many magnolastics are there?

« It’s formally built ‘safe’ or ‘dangerous’ levels. It means that you can be as low as possible, » Dr. Jucif PressOsteopathic doctor, a plaque certified family medicine, said in an email.

According to our meal of the mathlastsika, we have eaten, enlarged or processed. Mercola is among the various ways that irrigation with polluted water, which use plastic waters and plastic seed covers in agriculture, and the morglasty can end in food. Plastic packaging, items and containers are additional sources.

Current, according to the US Food and Drug Department does not offer evidence Microplastics levels are a risk for us. However, you may still want to minimize how much mathlasts you have destroyed. These are measures you can accept to reduce your most common foods and plastic adoption containing the mathlasts.

Top 10 foods in the diet containing a mathlasty


One of the most important plastic, one of the most important plastic particles in our food is through a used plastics that are broken and watering in waterways and soil. When they reach the oceans, they end in our seafood.

« After that, the microplast is taken by Plankton and is burned for food by fish and selfish, » he said. « Small particles are collected in the meat … then finish our plates. »

A recent study published by Portland State University, found a variety of mathlasts Seafood tested from 182 to 180 Examples. Microfibers are the most common micropastic gift type, but this is not the only kind of ending in our oceans.

the person holding a mug tea with a tea bag in

Kinga Krzeminska / Getty Images

Tea bags

A plastic called polypropylene is often used make tea bagsAnd even if you choose paper tea bags, they may still have a microplast. The point is that the bags can be released in the river when the bags contacted hot water.

Researchers at Barcelona’s Autonomous University discovered that polypropylene tea packages can leave plastic Billions of particles Nylon and cellulose tea bags can release them millions.

How to prevent this: There is no need to stop drinking tea. Go to the empty leaf river and put an investment stainless steel diffuser To be released from the river to the microplastic.


The rice is also a warm place for the magnification. He has a University of a Queensland, for each half cup 3-4 milligram plastic. If you use instant rice packages, this number is four times, 13 milligrams.

How to prevent this: Research found this wash the rice If it is necessary to note that filtering water is used to cleanse the study, it can reduce the plastic pollution from 20% to 40%.

Salt and sugar

When you overlap your dinner with a salt, you get a random side of the micropplasty. It’s hard to overturn the salt. It is almost all we eat and we need a certain sodium to keep our body liquids and electrolytes balanced.

Unfortunately found a study 39 90% of the selected salt brand There is a magnoplasty in the world. This is probably an environmental pollution and the process of production and packaging, the process of production and packaging. Microplasty has also visited found in sugar.

How to prevent this: You can get them to reduce the exposure to microprolic in salt and sugar Glass is packed or cardboard.

A person who holds a hug empty plastic water container.

Yulia Kokosha / Gotty Pictures

Bottled water

Bottled water is one of the most popular sources of micro and nanoplasty. A study estimated that for this 240,000 plastic particle a liter of tumor bottled water. The most plastic water bottles you purchased in the store are made of polyethylene terefalat or pet, plastic, so it was not surprising to see that it was represented. Plastic particles break down when bottles are squeezed or exposed to heat. And pet plastic is not the only type of nanoplastic researchers ruminate in plastic water bottles.

How to prevent this: Drinking tap water from A stainless steel or glassware It can reduce the risk of admission of plastic particles.


You will not wait honey Even if in the port of Microplastics, but in a glass container. Microprastic fibers can be retreated to bees and pollution. A study investigating or conducting or conducted by the mathlastsika Houses found that the breakers could continue Microplasty Destruction through honey.

How to prevent this: It can often reduce the risk of microprastic pollution to get points from local beekeepers using more natural and sustainable product methods.

Fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a balanced diet. Unfortunately, there may be a magnoplast. An examination of an examination Fruits and vegetables found that The apple was the most Contaminated fruit and carrots were the most polluted vegetables. How is this?

« Plants are shown to pollute micro and nanoplasty from land with root systems, » he said.

Many food products also package fruits and vegetables in plastic to keep them fresh. Not because of the FDA, not enough evidence To determine that the micropplasty is made of food from plastic food packaging. However, Mercola offers you to pull as much as possible in any case.

How to prevent this: If possible, wash your fruit thorough, peel and prefer local or organic products.

A person with a peach in a plastic container in the grocery store.

Animaflora / Getty Images


The researchers in ocean can have a final study 88% of vegetables and animal proteins Contains a bit of a magnoplast. However, highly exhaust proteins such as plant-based alternatives, fish sticks or chicken nuggets offer to reveal the most magnovlasty, micropylastic pollution food processing. The study found that the bread of bread was averaged by a minister per serving. There were 100 pieces for each service of plant-based nuggets.

Food processing Microprolic is not the only way to enter the sources of this protein. Is in the microplastics Animal foods and in environments where animals grow. Plant-based alternatives can be contaminated through soil or irrigation.

How to prevent this: After reading this, you can think of what protein you eat. The reality is that you need more research to know the effects of exact levels and health. We need protein to work our body, so it is important to have enough regardless of what source.

Read more: An easy protein visual guide to help you reach maximum muscle gains

What does the meals mean to you?

So are there any microplasts in all foods? I can’t be sure. But I can tell you that you need to do more research to understand how foods are affected by the mathlasty. Again, although the long-term health effect is under investigation, the Microplast, Mercola is something to capture and maintain if you can do.

« Microprastyic Microplastics collected in the blood circulatory system and in various bodies, including inflammation and tissue damage, » Mercola said.

Is hormonal imbalance caused by other potential side effects Endocrine violating chemicals found in plastics. Microplasty may also be Absorb the other Environmental toxins and present them to the body.

We do not have a secure level of mathlastsika, and we can not completely superior: they are all over and everything. But it’s a good idea to minimize the places you can.

Expert recommendations to reduce admission of mathlastsics

You can cut this recommendation:

Notice how much shellfish you eat
Mussels, such as oysters and scales, have a higher level of magnification levels, so do not exceed it.

Avoid food storage containers made of plastic
This is one of the greatest proposals of Mercola because it is « plasticized chemicals » in plastic. BPA and PhhThalates are chemicals that can transfer from plastic to food. They solve oily so it’s easiest to fatty foods. Good to keep food in glass containers. If you need, you can save dry food in plastic.

Avoid plastic wrapped foods
This can be easier than work but it is something that will make an effort in areas where you can switch.

Get rid of plastic kitchen containers
If you accept the spoons we use to cut our vegetables to chop our vegetables, we use our vegetables to chop our vegetables. It is a good rule: something plastic in contact with your dinner should be changed for ceramics, glass, stainless steel or wood.

You can install a filter in a dress washing machine to help you resolve the total number of micropcohols in the meal. If you can afford, you will hold a special filter microfibers before polluting water systems. This PlanetCare 2.0 microfiber filter Starts at $ 125.

We still have a lot about the long-term effects for our health when adopted. It can be difficult to hear that we are in most of our dishes, but it should not discourage you from good food. One balanced diet protein will ensure that fruits and vegetables have enough fuel to your body Function and develop – Microplastics or not.

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