Conte « shook my trust » during the early Tottenham years and says: « I had one conversation with her »

DJED Spend has opened about how the former head of Tottenham Antonio-Antonio « shattered » his trust and he says that he was a new « one conversation. »

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After arriving in Renne, London in Northern London, the 24-year-old took part, but this season was distributed on the side of the Postal Posts, regularly presented in two full positions.

Sources. « I had one conversation with CONTE »

Speaking about his time, under the ground, Spence told Rio Ferdinand represents Podcast.

« It simply came to our notice then. Slightly spoiled my trust. I’m young, it’s not nice to really hear.

« I knew it was rubbish. Wasn’t a beautiful feeling. I even went to the club (the cheeks and the shoulders blow). « 

He added:

« Even if you did the right things, you’re like: » I did something right.  » Because he’s not actually a guide who is actually a compliment.

« I probably had one conversation with him. »

Spike. « I’m very humble »

This season LLC also discussed the turning point of its turning service, which he saw, became an important part of the Spurs’ side.

« I think I have fallen victim to being very humble, » he said. « Thinking things don’t just happen by doing nothing and doing nothing. But sometimes you have to express yourself.

« In my first year, » in Tottenham, « I feel that I respect the players and the surroundings, because it is » Tottenham « .

« I feel that I have given them a lot, I really didn’t happen myself, I was a little very humble with everything.

« When I went there I saw players who were big names like Harry Kane and Sonny (nail-minute son), and I don’t want to walk on anyone’s fingers. »

« But it was probably my biggest mistake, doing it and telling myself how to have it. »

Asked when he changed that attitude, he answered. « I would probably say this season to the beginning of the year.

« I think it just happens naturally. I’ve Got No Time to Waste Now. I’ve got to go get it, it’s Time So it Just Clicks. »

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