Closed path, open gift | Strange fitness

I am a huge Stephen King fan.

I read the entire Dark Tower series, IT, The SHINing, Doctor Sleep and my favorite movies based on his novels. Rita Hayworth and Shock KS Redemption.

So, according to the request of many friends who said that this is my favorite book, I finally I started reading 11/22/63.

The head explosion premise is as follows:

On November 22, 1963, three guns rang in Dallas, causing President Kennedy to die and the world changed.

What should I do if I can change it again?

A dramatic novel that captures Stephen King’s heart is about a person who goes back to time to prevent JFK assassination.

Like all good greatness, I have devoted too much brain power to virtual time travel, butterfly effects and past changes. I and you also have it.

Time travel is a fascinating idea because our brain can’t think about « roads with little travel » and « What should I do if I do x instead of y? »

It is brought to the topic of today’s newsletter.

It is tremendous free to accept that some paths have been closed.

Some paths are closed

My friend Tim Urban WAITBUTWHY.COM Until today, this graph for the choice of life we ​​have organized is open to us tomorrow.

It is really easy for our brains to do hyper focus on all black lines in the past. It is very easy for us to feel the decisions that we have not made, the decisions we have made, and our lives often feel “determined”.

« That’s what I did in the past. »

“I have never seen XYZ. It’s too late. There are so many regrets! ”

« I do not deserve to be happy because of this mistake I made. »

We often forget that it is possible to look back at our lives, and we made all the decisions with the best information we at that time.

(If you are looking for a solid reading, matt haig’S Midnight library It is a fictional story that arouses the way of alternative life and acceptance. HAIG comes from the past I almost decided to take my own life.))

So let’s talk about black lines and green potential.

Maybe some paths have been closed!

I brought all of these things and made two points.

Chris Guillbeau, who inspired my love for travel and influenced my weird fitness, recently published an essay. Congratulations on the closed door.

We all have heard about people who start certain careers in life.

The example is as follows: « Not too late! Samuel L. Jackson did not play a breakthrough in the « pulp novel » until the age of 46.

And chris sometimes… I pointed out that it was too late.

This story is encouraging, but the class “not too late” is not universal. Sometimes it was too late! Other faith is to believe in illusions.

Part of life is actual deadline.

In other words, sometimes, we will often hold onto what we know that we will eventually be « one day. » And maybe we… Yes, it was too late.

Perhaps we continue to hold on to the hope that we will eventually run a marathon.

Perhaps we will continue to hold onto the hope that we will write that cooking book, even if we don’t like cooking anymore.

Perhaps we can decide that some paths have been closed to us. We can accept this.

The future is not set as a stone

A few weeks ago I wrote about how The past is not set to stoneBecause our perception of the story changes.

It is okay to accept that our dreams are okay to die when we were in their 20s.

But assuming that it is too late to make a change in the future is the same tragic.

Betrayal Russell said once.

As Chris said:

« It’s not too late » It’s great for many things. But sometimes it’s okay. it’s okay.

It’s not too late to learn something new. It’s not too late to try something new.

But it can be too late for a specific path and perfectly fine.

In fact, it is worth congratulations.

If you abandon certain paths or accept that some paths can be closed to us, you can organize the space where you can make different decisions for life.

You can decide later today.

  • Start power lifting
  • Take online classes for your new career.
  • Try a new hobby.
  • Consult your doctor Help weight loss.

We cannot go back to time to prevent Kennedy assassination.

Some of life is now closed to us.

It may be okay!

We can determine which green paths are decided next instead of consuming more brain power to regret the closed black road.


P.S: Do you need maps and responsibilities to reach a fitness goal? Nerd Fitness has helped more than 10,000 humans through 1-1 online fitness coaching over the past eight years. Click here for more information.

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