Citi cuts cuts bonuses highest bank bound to driving a wheelchair

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Citigroup cut the bonuses for 250 employees under their payment aimed at shorter bank shorts and corrections.

Transformers are called Citi Bonus Project Were held in three years ago to make a senior staff to promote group financial shows and updating the following risk and control Order by controls Performance after high disorders in which it accidentally accidentally $ 900my is available to a group of hedge funds.

Drain Pay back 53 percent of the target number provides the entry of 2024 years, the third and final, according to the bank on Tuesday. This is down from 94 percent percent in 2022 and 80 percent in 2023.

The 2024 payment was linked to the whole shareholders returned in the Bonus’s life, which received the « transition » for 68 percent.

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The bank compensation committee does not expect to continue with bonus finances, according to filing Tuesday.

In the symbol of Citi’s operational issues, banks are Figured 136nm In September by the United States control for failure to solve long-term problems in the data control and data management. It also applies a customer account There is $ 81TN Last year when it means to send only $ 280 – Error of 90 minutes reversal and classified by the bank « .

Jane Frase Fraser Administrator’s chief increased 33 percent to 34.5mn in 2024. She is not eligible for 13 percent to $ 15.Mord.

Fraser was sought to solve the long-term operation and profitable profit, planning thousands of workers and make up very high employment including Vis RaghavanBank chief.

Raghavan, who participates from JPMorgan Chase last year and started working in June, give those 2024 people

Citi profits increased by 37 percent last year to $ 12.7BN. But the return bank of the bank with general meaning, important measure of profit, is only 2026 goals of 10 percent and as a percentage

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