Censors made the movie South Park even worse without understanding

By Robert’s boiling
| Updated

If the term « studio intervention » is said, it is safe to say that any film succumbed to the whim of its executive bodies, will be an insulting the original vision of its creator. For Trey Parker and Matta Stone they saw the lapel they got off Paramount as a call all their lives while working on South Park: greater, longer and non -existence Because they thought their series would end unceremoniously after the first few seasons, and decided that they did not want to go quietly on a good night, not napologically to do everything on their own terms.

Faced with new problems from the studio at every step, Parker and Stone found and worked through the gap in the system, taking notes they got to reduce some more risky sequences and create South Park: greater, longer, and non -cut A much more unclean and tasty movie than the original scenario could dream of being if they were just allowed to do what they wanted to do in the first place.

Doubt from obscene physician

South Park: greater, longer and non -existence

In the Comment track for Southern park:: Greater, longer and non -existenceTrey Parker talks very much about how to place censors, he will push off something worse, which will somehow introduce it into the final incision. The most noticeable sequence that occurred as a result of this and back between the creators of the show and Vov A specific scene in which creeper Cartman is visible in the main role in a full -fledged German film, which is just on the scene that is just in mind What she caught up with Kanyn.

The original scene is as written for South Park: greater, longer and non -existenceHe participated in a screen exchange when the audience heard him heard other sounds, which believes that the Mom of the Cartman is delighted with equestrian sports. Updated scene that entered the final theatrical incision, actually show What is happening on the screen, which the censors probably thought: « Fecal fetish films are just fine. »

One joke that passed over the leaders of the studio is the name of the film itself. Since Paramount thought the original headline, South Park: All Hell is brokenwould be harm to return the box office, Parker and Stone decided to go with him Greater, longer and cutWhat is the euphemism for anyone who has not received a certain procedure performed on their private parts when they were young.

A couple of weeks after we were familiar, they were placed, Southern park The creators called the studio executives about a double antenna, whom they did not notice at first, which they answered: « Excuse me, we already had 10,000 posters to promote the film. »

Behind the scenes

South Park: greater, longer and non -existence

South Park: greater, longer and non -existence A number of studio sites were also subjected, for example, to force Kid Rock to execute the rap -ro -Ro « Mom Kyla Ab*TC ». Desperately trying to avoid the children’s rock -the performance ruined their heritage, they abandoned this request, and instead recorded the punk version « What would Brian Boyton do? », Complete with the musical video with the reflection of the legend of a figured disaster eating chicken wings.

Promote South Park: greater, longer and non -existence It was another difficult test that ended with a version of Matt’s theatrical trailer, complete with the needles with a drop and a stupid vote, which he and the Tre Parker absolutely hated – and hiding it in the trunk of his car over a long weekend.

After their lawyer watched that he needed to return Paramount’s property because he only committed the crime, Stone reluctantly gave the drum back to the studio.

Having lost the battle for physical property that he didn’t want to see the world of the day, the war won Southern park The creators because they successfully convinced the studio that they would not move forward with the project if they could not use the trailer they created.

Follow your weapons and the rest is a story

South Park: greater, longer and non -existence

Third Parker and Matt Stone with honestly believed in this South Park: greater, longer and non -existence We will become their song swan before fading into the unknown, and as a result, fought with the teeth and nails to make sure their vision was fully realized.

This mentality did not provide anything because the film had a great success, bringing more than $ 83 million compared to the registered $ 21 million.

Staying true to themselves and raising their creation at every step in the form of a studio every chance they got, Southern park The creators released a movie that they can say that they are proud of, and through their willingness to press the envelope that turned their flagship series into Juggernaut, which is as relevant today as and when -something.

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