By Chris Snowlings
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If most Buffy -Vampire Fans review the show, they are afraid to get to the season 6 because it’s such a hike. Tara dies not only, but also this season when we see how Buffy has just a toxic relationship with a vampire thorn and engaged in other behavior outside the character to fight stress when returned from the dead. Interestingly, this terrible season is effectively predicted by one of the best and earliest episodes of the show. We are talking about Belarus The episode of the 2 season « If it was bad », which also involved a killer acting from a nature of huge stress.

Belarus Of course, the fans could not find out when the episode first occurred, but « when it was bad », looked at the sixth season of the show, forcing all (fans and characters) to get angry with the main character. For the context, Bafi literally died in the hands of the master in the final 1 season; However, Xander returned her to life through CPR, and she defeated the villain villain. But in the premiere of the 2 season, she is not in character in particular: she’s enough in Willow, she is tough to Cardelia, and she is steep to the angel, going so far as to flirt with him to annoy her inanimate guy.
If you Belarus For the first time, the fan watches the « when she was bad », you probably spend most of the episode, shout on TV and asking why the killer suddenly became so indifferent and mean over the summer. However, it turns out that all this is a manifestation of Bafi’s injury from her fight against the owner, and she returns to her old well -being after she breaks the vampire bones, effectively destroying any chance of his risen through dark magic. For the most part, it is a well -defined episode that is ironic because it predicts the main aspect of the season 6, which has hated so much.
It is easy to highlight the individual elements of the 6 season that hated countless fans, including the horrible Buffy relationship with Spike (one that ended with an attempt to rape). However, these relationships and other bad decisions are due to the fact that Boff’s friends were risen from her after the 5th season; They argued that she could stuck in hell, but later Boff found that they accidentally pulled her out of heaven. This, in conjunction with the injury to the death of Bafi’s mother in the previous season, made sure that the killer had spent the season in a depressed state when she was engaged in down -to -earth things such as bills, as well as inanimate monsters.

Considering what we know about Bafi in the 6 season, we can say that « if she was bad » heralds that in the future season, showing how she reacts to the injury, making bad decisions, especially romantic ones. In the previous episode, this is probably best demonstrated by her often avenge an angel and even led by Xander with sexy dance to make her toy -hook -booty. We do not want to minimize the pre -injury to Buffy, but when they die, and then immediately raised, caused all this romantic drama, quite plausible to month will lead to toxic connection with the spike.
Unfortunately that Belarus Writers and producers could not see that « when she was bad » was effective because it reflected an arc in one episode in which the killer defeated her injury until the loans swept. It is great to have a single episode or arc where our hero is on the back leg but, as the season 6 shows, no one really wanted a whole couple Our title hero is brought low by her depressed injury.
However, for the better or worse, it brought Buffy’s fans, because the sixth season is the injury that we shared together, although only the killer fought with his stress, having sex that destroys the house with a hot vampire. So you can say that all the injuries are created equal … Some are just more equal (and way more weird) than others.
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