Anupama wrote an update today (August 11, 2024): Shocal Ultimatum Vanra to Meenu

Highlights –

  • Paritos and smells accuse the men of the fact that they had a romance with Sagar.
  • Lila feels betrayed, and Vanra dreams of recognizing me.
  • Anofama Encourages me to recover from the illustration.
  • Meenu is afraid to tell Vanraj about the incident.
  • Vanraj decides to return home home by shocking.
  • Vanrazh warns me to avoid making bad decisions.
  • Men is given an ultimatum to stay away from Anupama and Sagar.
  • Anya will find out about an anaya call.

Anupama wrote update today (11 August 2024)

Paritos and smells guilty of meenu

Paritos and smells accuse the menu of Sagar. It shocks lila. Titu tries to prevent Dimple from sharing Meenu video, but the smells show that Vanrad already knows about this video. Kinal, hearing the noise, asks what’s going on.

Paritos tells her about me and Sagar, leaving the lila, feeling betrayed. Kinal believes that Lila has allowed the man to explain her side of history. Meanwhile, Vanrad dreams of confessing to Sagar.

In reality, Lila urges Vanra to take steps by pushing him to leave the house with Paritos. Kinal notes that Vanrad is upset.

Anupama supports meenu

The anofaam calls for the me after she confesses that she is afraid of the —wit rampage. The anofoam advises her to fight, though the me remains tense. The score helps Sagar, acknowledging that Sagar’s fight is not perfect.

Sagar is experiencing Vanrai’s reaction, especially since he would help any girl, not just me. The score mentions the fir supply.

Meenu is worried about the bathroom

An Anupama calls for the way to tell Vanraj about the bush incident, but is undergoing a reaction for his reaction. The anofaam insists that if Meenu does not speak, it will be. Vanraj decides to return home home by shocking it when he sees him.

Lila is worried about the lobes, me and the Sanji, but Kinal tries to comfort her. Yam causes trouble, causing Tito to become angry.

Vanra’s response to meenu

Vanrazh checks me by asking whether she’s bad. An Ana is emphasized, thinking that Vanrad did not respond. Paritos and smells notice that Vanrad is not angry. Then you reveal the Shakhov about the bewildered incident, expressing his gratitude to Sagar for her help.

Vanraj decides to send me back to the United States, but Main is standing for it.

The case of an anofama is worried

Since the anofa is suffering from food, Nandita expresses Indra’s concern. An Anupama suggests that Indra can be busy with his family. Then Nandita comments that their catering establishments are not growing, but the anofama remains hope. Nandita compliments the ancal.

War on Vanra to Meenu

Vanraj forbids me to touch your feet, preventing it from making no decisions that could ruin her life, as the smells and portens did. Men assures Vanrai of her respect for him. Sagar, on the other hand, decides to get away from Shakhov.

Ultimatum Vanra

Vanrad instructs the me to stay away from Anupama and Sagar. It gives her an ultimatum: either obey his orders or return to the US. Meenu agrees to follow his rules. The smells and the portens also warn me, and the kinel is comforting it.

Anaea learns about the nearby call of Annae

Anima finds out that Anui narrowly avoided failures. Score advises her to find aadya to ensure the safety of Anuj.

Precap: An Anuupama takes Yashdip’s assistance to find OADI. Aadya tries to connect the call. She calls for the ancal.

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