By Jonathan Chat
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Crunchyroll is 20,000 pounds. Gorilla with anime-world with a platform owned by Sony, conducting thousands of series and movies, is necessarily for serious fans. That’s why, when something lights up on the platform and becomes the next big hit, everyone begins to notice. Solo alignment At this time last year he was the chief performer of Streamer, and now, from the 2nd season ended, ISEKAI returned to the top as the hottest Crucnhyroll series for a week.
Solo alignment makes it again

Solo alignment Plays with the Izec formula, giving the whole world the portals that provide access to another dimension filled with monsters, and creates superhuman soldiers called hunters, uniforms that cause a tide and save the world. The problem is that each hunter is recorded in his « rank » and the power level, except for SUNG JINWOO, the powerless, insignificant electronic rank that was an example of every joke that suddenly acquires the ability to « grow » and become stronger over time. Video game mechanics play a central role in the plot, including the concept of mana (used to perform incredible magical feats), points of experience and, in reasonable implementation, healing the backup when alignment.
In 1 season, Solo alignment Spending time, explaining all these concepts to the audience, as Ginva develops its powers and begins to raise the ranks of the hunters. Yoo Jinho, his best friend D-Rank, denotes dangerous raids, betrayal of other groups of hunters, and, after all, a stunning mystery behind their world and the origin of the « gate ». In season 1 there is a lot of soil to cover, but it’s a snowball that goes down, and by the end of the fans were crazy for more.
The first two episodes Solo alignment Season 2 was part of Solo leveling In the cinemas at the end of last year, bringing the « Red Gate » to the big screen a few weeks before it was broadcast. If a training mission with a white tiger guild turns wrong after the gate is undergoing red, grabbing the party inside until the boss -skilled is broken, the ginva must rally those who survived from the expedition to survive. The final result is the bloody moment, which staggers the rest of the guilds and even the monsters when the ginva drops a massive warrior in one blow.
By applying the rule cool

Power scaling – this is a problem with any shonen anime When heroes such as Lufi and Midaria begin to become so strong that it is difficult to imagine that anyone can take them, which will cause the powerful scoundrels offset. Solo alignment Turns the concept of power scaling into a plot, which is a significant part of its attractiveness to impoverished anime fans. From the first episode, when the ginva can barely lift the sword, before he says the series « arises », with the help of an amazing animation with A-1 Pictures, manages to make every new strength, weapons and the ability at the classic moment of excitement.
The last episode of the 2 season, which airs on March 30, does not even turn on the usual video opening into a bold marketing step, selling as it is just too intense. It is a market for marketing solution, but although the series can be thin in some of its basic tips and quiet moments, such as « medicines from all the disease » can remove the scar, but not correct any injuries, it is also bold, in the face and not ask. Solo alignment Long live on the « cool rule » and it all depends on those moments with ginva Paranoia agent or even The killer of the demonBut sometimes this cheap hamburger gets right.
Solo alignment broadcast on Crunchyroll.
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