Highlights –
- Vanraj criticizes Tosha and smells for not responsible.
- Ani fights the loss of Aadju and leaves the house.
- Meenu is underway by the elderly at the hospital.
- Sagar protects the me from the bullies, but the incident is recorded.
- Vanrad is hiding the truth about money from Tosh and smells.
- You do not want to tell your uncle about a bush incident.
- The smells shows Vanrai, which turns the video of the me and the sagar.
An Anuupama wrote an update on August 10, 2024.
Frustrated Vanra with family
Vanrad complains about new violations, saying that people from Asha Bhavan cause problems with their flute. The smells are angry because she can’t sleep throughout the day, but Baa notes that their noise at night is worse.
Tosha smiles, and the smells asks why Tosha is instead of watching the me. They argue about who should take care of me, and Vanra is angry, telling them to pack the bags and leave.
Tosha to apologize for not watching the right, but Vanradi criticizes them, saying that he does not want the men to love them. He advises smells to focus on his physical shape if she cannot handle her daughter.
Anya’s emotional struggle
Anyu, overflowing with emotions, talks from Aadju, expressing his unbelief that she is alive. He doesn’t want to stay in the house and goes out in spite of Anofama pray for his power. Anyui wonders how he will live without Aadju, while the score and Nandita are looking for it. The anofaam continues to pray for the decision.
Meet me with bullies
The me arrives at the hospital, and Sagar advises her to get an injection. When she goes to the hospital, the older boys surround her and start teasing. She is trying to leave, but they block her the road.
Meanwhile, the smells and Tosha are discussing how no one cares about them, and the smells says that the manna is not as innocent as it seems. BAA gets a courier for Vanra, but Tosha takes it, reads it and shocked. Vanrad takes an envelope from Tosha.
Desperate vision of Anay
Anya represents how Aadju calls him, but when he extends his hand, she disappears. Any, upset, goes to the junction, saying that it does not want to live in the world without it. Ana prays to carry pain for Anuj, but feels that something is wrong when feeling an electric blow.
Sagar protects me
Older boys demand the name of me, and it threatens them with a stethoscope. Sagar is coming back to give her a charger and asks the boys to let her go. They tease him, but he stays calm until one of them clapped it. Then Sagar protects himself and me, stand to bullies.
The secret of the Vanra and the discontent of Tosh
Tosha asked Vanradu about hiding the full amount of money from them. Vanrad rejects them, saying it is his life and his rules. He criticizes them for wasting money and is not responsible, telling them that they should be grateful for getting a penthus.
Tosha and smells are upset. Meanwhile, the boys thwarted the sleeve, and Sagaro gives her a form for wearing, comforting her when people record the scene.
The decision of the me and the tips
Vanraj sorry that Tosha saw the letter and worried what to do next. Anima asks an annex where the Anui is and is afraid of the worst. Anuj returns, showing a toy piece that resembles aadhya. Sagar is coming from a me, which hugs the ancal and explains about « stew at college ».
They started the case, but Main does not want to say the uncle, fearing that he would prevent her from getting out. The anofaus advises her to be honest with him before anyone else.
Smells causing trouble
Leaving Vanraju Video as a cugging Sagar and adds a drama, believing he had a romantically involved with him under the guise of internship.
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