All we know about the theory of the Big Bang

The first spin is « the theory of the Big Bang » which, according to all accounts, no The prequel begins to develop. « Stewart will not save the universe », which received the title on Wednesday, March 19Eventually highlight the permanent universe « Big Bang Theory », which has already seen the retreat to « Young Seldon » (which later received it own Spin-off, « George’s first marriage »).

Honestly, still there lot We don’t know about « Stewart allows you to save the universe. » From this writing there is no major specificity of the plots that float around, and outside a few participants of the « Big Bang » acting, which return to their roles for this new project, we do not know who else will join the party. And yet let’s go forward with what we do Know, including where « Stewart will not save the universe » that is returning and who is part of the creative team (Spoiler Apille: These are some familiar names if you are a fan of the « Big Bang »).

The show seems

Based purely on the title Reveal, it’s safe to say that « Stuart Fails to Saverse » Will Be About Stuart Bloom (Kevin Sussman), the Lovable Owner of the Comic Store Frequented By Siberdon Cooper, Leonard Hofstadter, raj koothrappali, and howard wolowitz, played respiteively by Jim Parsons, Johnny Galecki, Kunal Nayyar, and Simon Helberg. (Fast funny fact: CummBut the previous commitment of the ABC « Ugly Betty » series made it impossible; He was later met in the fold as a stewan.

Speaking, slightly, stewha – this much An unhappy guy. Along with Rajam, he holds a lot of shows, constantly lonely and distinctly dissatisfied with this, and, as the work goes, everything always touches the comic book store. (At one point, the property even receives damage to the fire after the incident with the participation of Stuart and the hot plate.) Throughout the « Big Bang Theory », Stewart becomes a rather important hero-Susman even receives modernization in a series that is constantly moving with Hovard and his wife Bernad. Children. We still do not know what Stewart will do in this new show, except that the universe will not save.

Max will become an exclusive Stewart house not to save the universe

Not surprisingly, Max is the own streaming service that holds HBO and Discovery exhibitions – it will become an exclusive House « Stuart Do not save the universe » if it falls. Why do I say « unexpectedly? » Well, Max is also Exclusive transfer at home « Big Bang », paying beautifully for this honor back in 2019. If you still have an active subscription cable that kicks and tuns on TBS (where the Big Bang Theory remains in syndication), Max is currently the only way to view the Big Bang Theory.

Max is also The owner of « Young Sheldon », the first major shutdown of the Big Bang Theory, which took place from 2017 to 2024, although he shares this role with Netflix (as it is writing). In any case, « Stewart will not save the universe » to join the ranks of maximum exclusions such as « Pete » and « Haki ».

Four Supporting Players from the Big Theory will fasten Stewart Do not save the universe

Outside Kevin Unman, who returns to the fictional version of Posaden, which was seen in « the theory of the Big Bang? » When the project was first announced in October 2024We learned that, along with the Worldman, Lauren Lapus and Brian Passen, would be filmed in the series. Lapus will repress its role, which works in the comic book store with the stewa before they will eventually meet, and the village will repress the role of Bert Kibbler, a geologist who works with Sheldon, Leonard, Raj and Hovard at the California Institute of Technology. (Outside the show, the Posehn-created comedian that appeared in projects such as « Sarah Sylverman » and « New Girl », and Lapkus-comedy tour.The earliest show« And thank you later.)

After this initial message we also found out about it John Ross Bowie, who played a plasma physicist and noted Sheldon Cooper Nemis Bari Krypke, will return at the exhibition at that time. Currently, there is no word regarding Jim Parsons, Simon Helberg, Johnny Galetsky, Kunala Nayar and the original women’s leading female woman when Kuok, who played in pen – pointing to stone, but we can say with confidence that we cannot turn out to the full.

The creative team for stewam will not save the universe full of veterans of the theory of the Big Bang

Proponents of the Big Bang Theory will probably be relieved of what a handful of creators who worked behind the scenes in the original series are returning for « stewa cannot save the universe ». Chuck Laure and Bill Puzi, who are actually make « Big Bang Theory » together will perform the duties of executive producers in the series; From the « Big Bang Theory » they remained busy. The play was the executive producer « Young Seldon », and Laure continued to create hits such as « Cominski method », « positive », « Mom », « United States » and « Bookmaker ».

Zni Peng Join probably Familiar with his work. The screenwriter, Peng worked on major projects such as « X2 » and « X-Men: The Last Stand », « Incredible Hulk », « Avengers » (where he attributes the story with Jos Wedon), « Ready Player One » and « Free Guy », as well as television shows « Alpha » and « beacon ». PEN is probably also It is nice that Laray will be at the helm.

Stewart does not save the universe that marks the third spin-off from the theory of the Bolshoi

Obviously, « Stewart will not save the universe »-this is not the first spin « Big Bang »-this honor belongs to « Young Sheldon », a series created by Chuck Laray and Steve Malor, who asks: « What if Saldon but » young? «  » «  » « Mass blow for CBS, and he already has it own Disable to download. « Young Sheldon » may end in 2024, but in the same year, « Prime Minister Georgi and Mandy, » focusing on the older brother of Sheldon George’s « George » Cooper -Jordan (Montana Jordan), his wife Mandi Makaliser (Emily Osmen).

In particular, « Stewart will not save the universe », most likely will not be precarian-in difference from « young sheldon », and « first marriage George and Mandy »-if only producers who are exposed « Irman ». (Let’s hope not.

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