Adapty releases a web-based solution to earn money on App Stores in App Makers

In the last few years, Developers make rich gradually sagly About payment fee For Apple or Google to the App Store or store distributions. App makers often said that both companies have difficulty to make money outside their systems. New York Based Application Income Management Platform Adapty Customers want to change this with a new offer called FunnelFox, which helps customers through websites or web applications.

The idea behind the FunnelFox is simple: applicants help make quizzes or practices to get on the Internet or onboard customers on the Internet or onboard. Once the customer pays, you get a link to download the application. This way, applicants do not have to pay up to 30% of the App Store tax.

« A year ago, I thought of our best customers in our income and the Internet, and the Internet would have a great opportunity to build a funnel and the Internet to facilitate the Internet and called Funnelfoks to facilitate the Internet and called Adapty CEO Vitaly Davydov TechCrunch.

Adapty has been more than a year to try the funnelfox for more than a year. The company has seen $ 20 million in income at this stage and has seen customers coming from mobile in-app purchases compared to direct income.

FunnelFox has drag and drop tools to build quizzes to get customers. You also have an AI component that can offer different questions based on the application store or application store connection.

Initially, there are two basic part of the case: a SDK that targets the audience for subscribers and marketers and helping the customer to understand the lifelong value and a platform. FunnelFox is the ultimate release of his set. Customers can use FunnelFox when using another application revenue revenue after separation separately Revenuecat.

FunnelFox works based on an income exchange with the company that resulted in user shopping. Adapty said a step-up price for funnelfoxes, but did not show exact details.

Adapty raised So far $ 2.5 million. Davydov said the company is affordable. Although the startup is not searching for financing, the fundraising is open to explore.

The company serves 10,000 applications and followed $ 1.2 billion in revenue. This consists of 2,500 applications he watched in 2022. Davydov is consistently growing in terms of both applications and revenues.

He wants to add more AI to startup products. For Adapty, the app wants to use AI to help you create a better conversion rate by offering the design and prices on Makers.

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