Jooi’s ill-fated « friends » is finally available for the first time to broadcast from the air. Joey’s debut occurs almost 20 years after the exhibition was canceled in 2006 after just two seasons. Whether the contemporary fans « Friends » is more affected by the series than viewers of the early 2000s, but still have to learn.
For any reason, when the « friends » ended after 10 seasons in 2004, NBC decided to take Matt Leblanca’s character and give him a whole show that followed Joey when he moved to Los -Angeles in the pursuit of « stars ». Of course, every fan of « friends » loved Joey, but the idea of its removal from the main group seemed to be a dubious prerequisite. Unfortunately, the concerns of the supporters were confirmed when it was aired. « Friends » may have had several bad episodes, But even they were not as terrible as Joey, which could not capture the magic of her predecessor.
Joey, who made his debut in 2004, tried to surround his star with a supporting acting staff, who would play well with his cute dull person, presenting de Matteo’s trees as sister Joey, Gina Tribbiani, Andrea Anders as a neighbor on the next door and hostess. The show also features Jennifer Culidge as Joe’s agent, Bobby Morgantrster. Unfortunately, none of this can save the series from a significant decrease in ratings, and it was aired in 2006.
However, now the first two episodes of the short -lived Sitkam were available on the official « Friends » YouTube The channel, presenting a new generation in the show.
Does Joe’s revival go?
« Joey » premiered in September 2004, only a few months after the « friends » ended. The NBC clearly wanted to fill the huge void left the biggest show, and hoped that Joey is a series. But as Term He noted that the show ratings quickly fell. When he first made his debut, Joei actually brought a decent audience, 18.6 million spectators were set up for a pilot. A considerable part seems to have been the result of the show on the « Friends » on Thursday or Night. But these viewers decided that Joey was not for them. The average viewer for the 1 season was 10.2 million, which decreased to 7.1 million in the second season. Things did not help NBC, moving the series from the place on Thursday evening when the network pulled out the show in December 2005 and again introduced it on March 2006 on New Tuesday-evening. Two months later, however, NBC canceled the show, leaving eight episodes unpunished.
So far, only the first two episodes of « Joei » are available on the « Friends » by YouTube. Whether more released will remain in the air, but it is interesting to see that the show is returning in the era streaming. After all The phenomenon recently called « Newustalgia ». This term actually refers to the previously popular shows that have discovered a new « Costumes » that enjoyed great success in Netflix In 2023, after the end of its US network, it took four years before. « Joey », on the other hand, cannot claim what has ever been popular during its original broadcast, but perhaps this drop from two episodes is designed to check water in the era of streaming age. The younger audience may well be kinder for Joe Tribbian and his unsuccessful step west. If this mini -release of YouTube proves even a little popular, then in the near future we can see how the full series sank on stretching.
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