After Trump’s call, Putin says he will save Ukrainians in Kursk if they give up

Russia will save the lives of Ukrainian soldiers in their western Kursk region if Kyiv tells them to surrender, President Vladimir Putin said on Friday after the United States President Donald Trump urged him to avoid a « horrible massacre. »

Ukraine denied that his men were encircled, describing that as a Russian manufacture, but President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called the « very difficult » situation.

Trump, in a position on social media, said he had asked Russian President to save the lives of thousands of Ukrainians who said they were « completely surrounded » and vulnerable.

« I have strongly asked President Putin to save his life. This would be a horrible massacre, which has not been seen since World War II, » he said.

Putin, directing his security council, said he had read Trump’s call. Although he accused the Ukrainian troops of carrying out crimes against civilians, saying he was « terrorism », which Kíiv denies – Putin said he understood Trump’s call to take into account humanitarian considerations.

Two men with military uniforms walk together in a wooded area.
The Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov, on the right, inspects the troops involved in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, in a location given as a region of Kursk, Russia, in this fixed image of the video published on Tuesday. (Russian Defense Ministry/Reuters)

« In that sense, I want to emphasize that if (the Ukrainian troops) they establish their arms and surrender, they will be guaranteed their life and treatment worthy in accordance with international law and the laws of the Russian Federation, » said Putin.

« To effectively implement the call of the President of the United States, a corresponding order of Ukraine’s military political leadership is needed for his military units to put their weapons and surrender. »

The Vice President of the Russian Security Council, the former President Dmitry Medvedev, published on social networks that the Fipsid for Kiev was that « if they refuse to put their arms, they will all be methodically destroyed and mercilessly destroyed. »

Reports of « Circle » manufactured: General Ukraine staff

Kursk became a key theater of war last August when Ukraine, more than two years after the Putin -scale on -scale invasion, converted the tables to Moscow by taking a piece of Russia’s own territory.

Seven months later, it is again in the spotlight, as Russian forces are trying to eliminate the last Ukrainian remaining and the United States urges Russia to accept a ceasefire in the wider war. Putin said on Thursday that the Ukrainians were trapped and facing a choice of « surrendering or dying ».

Ukraine’s general staff said on Friday: « The reports of the alleged » encircled « of Ukrainian units by the enemy in the Kursk region are false and manufactured by the Russians for political manipulation and to exert pressure on Ukraine and their partners. »

Clock | Putin says he will not sign the cessation treatment until the big questions are answered:

Putin admits a cessation of fire with Ukraine but with conditions

Russian President Vladimir Putin says he in principle supports a cessation agreement with Ukraine, but will not be signed until large questions are answered, including addressing the main cause of the conflict and determining who will police officer.

He said that there had been 13 combat clashes on Friday and that the battlefield situation was largely unchanged.

« Ukraine Defense Forces Units have been successful, withdrawn to more advantageous defensive positions, and are performing their assigned tasks to the Kursk region. »

Zelenskyy told journalists that the Kursk offensive had succeeded in diverting Russian forces elsewhere on the battlefront.

« I can only thank our warriors for the Kursk Operation. I think he fulfilled his task, » Zelenskyy said.

Previously, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that Russian troops had resumed Goncharovka, one of the few Kursk settlements still in Ukrainian hands.

The Ukraine Border Guard Service said he repeated an attempt by a Russian Russian recognition group to enter the Ukrainian territory in the Sumy region, which borders Kursk.

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