Invited Star X-Files, which saved the worst scenario of the season 1

By Chris Snowlings
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Did you watch a pretty mediocre hour of television that only saved the guest -the fellow? Sometimes even professionals in the television industry will be the first to admit that they have been handed a rather unsuccessful scenario and that the only thing that holds the story together is the strong performance of the invited actor this week. For example, the director who worked on the episode « Roland » agreed that Zhelko Ivanek’s speech helped to save what otherwise would be very not a characteristic episode X-Files.

Željko ivanek with episode X-Files « Rland »

In case you haven’t seen it or just need an update, « Roland » is an episode, if the title character is an intellectually disabled person who manipulates his criminally frozen brother -twitter. Even according to the standards of this horrible show, this storyline was a soap opera 90 years of Schlock. Many who worked on this episode believed that the star Roland Zhelko Ivanek really saved this X-files The episode, starting with the director David Natter, who said « when I knew I had, I thought it was important to push it as much as possible to help overcome weakness in the script. »

One of David’s biggest criticism in the scenario of this episode is that his villain was « a little abstract ». All because the big bad was the guy in the cryogenic stasis, which we can’t even see to the end of the episode … Not quite a sensitive threat, as a man who smoked cigarettes hides in the corner. However, as soon as he understood what the broad acting chops željko ivanek, X-files The director made more attention to the rolend character, leaving he believed that he was « a truly strong character ».

Chris Carter Usually agreed with this assessment, noting that « for me (Ivanek’s image) entered the episode » into the one that X-files Fans will never forget. He continued to offer specific praise « David Natter and writers to enter and make an episode really work. » In fact, Carter loved Roland so much that he allowed to completely break one of the unspoken music rules of the show.

According to X-files Composer Mark Snov, David Natter « said that the strange topic on the piano would be great for this character, » but the dreams knew very well that Chris Carter was « really in melodious music », so he knew that he should get this song « right ». As a result, « this simple, very similar to the baby, slightly twisted, sad work » … a kind that instantly stood out against the background of the combined and more atmospheric tracks of the show. Fortunately, Carter loved this song, which perfectly swept the internal struggle of the main character.

In retrospect, it is easy to understand how the creative staff « Roland » really put all his chips for Zhelko Ivanek. He got a fleshy share of the screen time, a custom song and an unforgettable final arc. And it made him a wonderful character in the season, which included early fans like single militants and Walter Skinar.

After all, David Natter’s instincts were right: the powerful acting of Zhelko Ivanek really became the main event quite mediocre X-files Episode. Fortunately for the acting and crew, it was a show built around the big individuals, and the hero Roland Ivanek managed to become as convincing at a limited time as David Duke’s And former FBI agents Jillian Anderson. And this makes this episode, which should be revised -two before putting it on the ice (preferably cryogenic freezing).

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