Google says Europe ‘experience’ says News News are worthless

In November, Google said it would take "test" In eight European countries Leave the results of EU-based news publishers for a little part of users. The results are in and inquiry saying The news does not have any meaningful money value for the company. But "Social Practice" It was difficult for scientific interest. European Copyright Law He says that the company must pay for the use of pieces from articles, and Google will probably use data to use the information for negotiations as a result of negotiations.

"During our talks to observe the European Copyright Directive (EUCD), we saw a number of inaccurate reports during our negotiations that we value the value of the news as much as Google." The company wrote openly in the blog posts described by the experiment yield. "The results are now included: Europe’s news content in the search has no effect on advertising revenues for Google."

Google President of Economy Paul Liu said that the company does not change in Belgium, Denmark, Denmark, Italy, Italy, Poland and Spain, and there is no change in advertising revenue and not only reduced 0.8 percent. (Originally entered France, but a judicial company warned that he would break his previous agreement and face fines.) Liu is the result.) "Any lost use was one of the inquiries that earned a minimum or no income."

The interior of the Google campus in Madrid.
The inner part of Google’s Madrid campus

Techcrunch notes Google walks a beautiful line here. It is already facing antitrust fines in France and put pressure on the company’s news licensing tactics on the news content. What country did not include "Experience."

The company, negotiations in similar situations (successful) of the impact potential of the imaging capacity (in some cases), tests Canadian, Californium and Australia. In the last case Aussie Grit dominated: After Google Threatened by removing the whole search engine from the countryThen the Prime Minister Scott Morrison said: "Allow. Australia does our rules of work you can do in Australia." The bill was passed and adopted and Google be shot Deals with the contents of a license with Australian media companies. Yes, Google search is still under.

This article first appeared in Engadget in Engadget

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